Scott Jennings destroyed a CNN host for this awful take about Donald Trump

Sep 16, 2024

CNN is escalating its attacks on Donald Trump as the race enters the homestretch.

But there is a lone voice of reason on the left-wing cable news network.

And Scott Jennings destroyed a CNN host for this awful take about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump creates a media firestorm over comments about pets in Ohio

Former President Donald Trump created a media meltdown when he referenced pets in Springfield, Ohio, being eaten by illegal aliens during the Presidential debate.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in,” Trump said. “They’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there. This is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.”

20,000 illegal aliens from Haiti were dropped by the Biden-Harris administration into the city of nearly 60,000 residents.

Springfield residents reported that Haitians were taking their cats and dogs for a meal and poaching geese and ducks in the city’s parks to eat.

The media went hysterical, claiming that there was no evidence of this happening.

U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) said that his office had received scores of complaints about it happening.

A video from the nearby city of Dayton showed that African immigrants were eating cats off the grill.

Springfield police received a phone call from a resident complaining about Haitians carrying geese.

There is more evidence of cats and dogs being eaten in Springfield than the Russian collusion hoax that the media parroted for years.

CNN host demands that Trump end his Presidential campaign

Veteran CNN host Jim Acosta has been a long-time Trump hater.

He said that the former President should drop out of the race over his comments about people’s pets and birds being eaten in Springfield.

CNN senior political commentator Scott Jennings gave Acosta a reality check about Trump dropping out of the race.

“He’s the Republican nominee, he went through a primary. And unlike the Democrats, we actually respect the democratic process,” Jennings said. “We had people vote, they voted for Trump, he’s the party’s nominee.”

“But Scott, I remember you going on and on about President Biden after the debate and I’m just wondering, do you think Trump is all there?” Acosta asked. “Is he a sound mind talking about people stealing geese?”

Jennings smacked down Acosta for trying to compare Trump to President Joe Biden’s mental decline.

“He is the same and he represents the same type of politics he always has,” Jennings stated. “I don’t know if it’ll be enough this time, but no, I think to compare him to the absolute vacant Joe Biden is kinda ridiculous, honestly.”

CNN commentator Paul Begala – a political hack for former President Bill Clinton – ranted that Trump needed a mental evaluation.

Jennings pointed out that the Presidential race is still a dead heat.

Democrats and their media allies are furious about the Springfield story because it’s a reminder of the damage that Vice President Kamala Harris’ border crisis is doing.

The media doesn’t want the main topic of public discussion to be the consequences of illegal immigration.

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