
Donald Trump shocked the political world in 2016 by defeating the establishment’s anointed candidate for President, Hillary Clinton.

Since then, politics have never been the same.

Deplorable Daily exists to give you the truth about what’s happening to your country — truth the political establishment would rather you not know.

Check out the latest news about what’s REALLY happening in politics below!

Kamala Harris admitted to Donald Trump this is what scares her the most

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are locked in a tight electoral battle. But Kamala is...

Donald Trump stopped dead in his tracks after he got this dire warning about his future

The 2024 Election has been unlike any other in American history. One more big twist...

J.D. Vance revealed this grim reality facing Americans under the Biden-Harris regime

Things are getting bad for the American people under the Biden-Harris regime. Hope of a...

Vivek Ramaswamy gave Donald Trump one message that forced him to take notice

Kamala Harris changed the dynamics of the Presidential election with her late entrance.  The GOP...

A Trump advisor revealed the one terrible mistake Kamala Harris made that will haunt her

Kamala Harris has been riding a lucky streak since she entered the race.  That’s all...

Kamala Harris picked one fight with Donald Trump that came back to bite her

Kamala Harris has had the political wind at her back.   But that’s all about to...

Kamala Harris learned the awful news that no Democrat wanted to hear

Kamala Harris is trying to run a campaign where she hides from voters and counts...

Tim Walz appeared in this racist video and now has a lot of explaining to do

If it’s a day that ends in a ‘y,’ then Tim Walz is in the...

Tim Walz put kids in danger with this scary decision

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is a walking scandal. It looks like Kamala’s campaign barely vetted...