Peter Doocy humiliated Karine Jean-Pierre by asking one brutal question

May 17, 2024

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy questioning White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is one of the great mismatches in American politics.

Jean-Pierre never comes off looking good in these exchanges.

And Peter Doocy humiliated Karine Jean-Pierre by asking one brutal question.

New swing state poll shows Trump poised for decisive victory

Polls from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin show Trump winning in five of the six battlegrounds.

That’s more than enough Electoral College votes to hand Trump the Presidency.

Joe Biden’s approval rating in the swing states was just 38 percent.

A whopping 60 percent of voters disapproved of the job Joe Biden was doing as President.

Steve Doocy asked Jean-Pierre about these poll results with a simple, but devastating question.

“Why do you think Americans are so down on President Biden right now?” Doocy wondered.

Jean-Pierre blamed everyone except Joe Biden for the rising inflation that is the number one drag on Joe Biden’s poll numbers.

“We are sensitive enough and open-minded enough to understand that not just this country, but globally people have had to deal with a pandemic and coming out of that pandemic. We understand that even think about gas prices and because of Putin’s war what has occurred, that led to gas prices increasing,” Jean-Pierre responded.

Jean-Pierre added that “prices are too high for Americans” and that it’s “going to take a little bit of time.”

But Joe Biden was saying inflation was transitory back in 2021.

Three years later, inflation is still running hot.

Jean-Pierre also ducked the fact that it was Joe Biden signing trillions in new spending bills that sent inflation soaring to 40-year highs.

Jean-Pierre has no answers

Doocy granted all of that to get to his follow up, which is that every message trotted out by Biden and his team to try and convince the American people the economy was actually good kept failing.

“I get that you understand people are hurting right now. Why is it that nothing you’re doing to address their concerns is working?” Doocy asked Jean-Pierre.

Jean-Pierre didn’t want to get into a discussion of polls since there was no way to spin the latest numbers.

“What I’m saying is we’re going to continue to do the work. I can’t speak to the polls. Those are for folks who are experts who can do a deep dive and look into that and speak to them,” Jean-Pierre stated.

Jean-Pierre then tried her own variation of Bill Clinton and “I feel your pain.”

“What I can speak to is we understand what the American people are feeling. We understand what they’re going through. That’s why we’re going to continue to do the work,” Jean-Pierre said.

Feeling the American people’s pain isn’t enough when the public knows Joe Biden is the cause of that pain.

And that’s why polls show Americans ready to hold Joe Biden accountable.

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