One CNN host was forced to make this brutally honest confession about Kamala Harris

Aug 23, 2024

Everyone in the media loves Kamala Harris these days.

But that wasn’t always the case.

And one CNN host was forced to make this brutally honest confession about Kamala Harris.

CNN’s Chris Wallace questions coronation 

The presentation at the Democratic National Convention of a party head over heels in love with Kamala Harris was so brazen and shameless that even some of the biggest liberals in the media were taken aback.

CNN’s Chris Wallace made sure to praise the speaking lineup at the Democrat Convention, but he couldn’t help but admit the entire event was phony.

“I‘ve been thinking about this a lot. As far as this convention is going, I think it‘s going fine, particularly last night. I thought the Obamas were very strong. I thought Michelle Obama was particularly effective. Having said that, it‘s a strange situation, as we all know,” Wallace began.

Wallace noted that Democrats erased their Primary process from existence because even though their voters chose Joe Biden, party bosses like Nancy Pelosi decided Biden couldn’t win and forced him out of the race.

That led to a backroom deal where Democrat bigwigs installed Kamala as the nominee.

“We‘ve had this nominee over the course, Kamala Harris, for 30 days, and usually a convention is the end of a process. They‘ve gone through an entire six months, a year of a presidential campaign — New Hampshire, Iowa, all the primaries. This one is the beginning of a process in a sense,” Wallace added.

Kamala’s challenge 

But Wallace warned that this first month was like the beginning stages of a romance where the couple can see no wrong in each other.

That invariably ends in rather sudden fashion.

“So to me, it feels more like a romance where you‘re in the first month that‘s very intoxicating, you really like the person, but you haven‘t fallen in love yet. That‘s what I feel missing from this convention,” Wallace told his fellow CNN co-panelists.

Wallace admitted the party’s love affair with Kamala was more like an arranged marriage as opposed to anything genuine since no one ever voted for her to be the nominee.

“They really want her to win. They really want to beat Donald Trump. But [is there a] personal connection to Kamala Harris that there is normally to a new nominee of a party? No, I don‘t think so,” Wallace said.

Wallace then told another harsh truth that most of the people now supporting Kamala wanted her off the ticket earlier this year because they thought she was a political albatross.

“In fact, to be brutally honest about it, six months ago there were a lot of delegates that are here and a lot of Democratic officials who were thinking, ‘Gee, maybe we could get rid of Kamala Harris and we’d have somebody else as a backup to Joe Biden,’” Wallace concluded.

Wallace spoke the truth.

In March 2023, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) sounded open to Joe Biden dumping Kamala from the ticket.

“I really want to defer to what makes Biden comfortable on his team,” Warren said during an interview with a Boston radio host.

When Nancy Pelosi and the other coup plotters succeeded in pressuring Biden out of the race in July, Barack Obama initially announced support for an open convention process.

“I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,” Obama wrote on Medium.

Democrats want to make it seem like there is an organic movement of joy propelling Kamala Harris into the general election.

But even a liberal like CNN’s Chris Wallace is willing to admit that feeling is as phony as a three-dollar bill.

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