Megyn Kelly said Joe Biden will win the debate if he does this one thing

Jun 25, 2024

The debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump may be the highest stakes Presidential face-off since the Nixon-Kennedy debate in 1960.

How the contest plays out could completely upend the 2024 Presidential Election.

And Megyn Kelly said Joe Biden will win the debate if he does this one thing.

Kelly says all Joe Biden has to do on stage is not die

Videos of Joe Biden glitching or requiring Barack Obama to hold his hand and walk him off stage set the expectations bar low for Joe Biden heading into the June 27 debate.

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is now one of the big issues in the campaign.

Megyn Kelly believes Biden can put that issue to rest with voters who are tuning into the election for the first time simply by managing to not die during the 90-minute contest.

“For him to emerge victorious, he’s just going to have to not . . . die during the 90 minutes,” Kelly stated.

Kelly said there was nothing Republicans can do about the fact that Biden is clearly senile and that low expectations for Biden is simply the reality of the situation.

“I don’t think this is a mistake by Republicans, but just given reality, the stakes could not be lower for a Joe Biden performance,” Kelly added.

Kelly explained that’s why, in recent days, Donald Trump began talking up Joe Biden’s debate skills.

“Trump, wisely, is finally not playing down expectations for Joe Biden, finally trying to hedge a little on what he might be dealing with,” Kelly continued.

Each candidate’s strategy

Joe Biden is clearly physically and mentally impaired.

Biden’s team canceled all public events in the seven days prior to the debate.

Biden’s handlers have him wearing special shoes with gigantic rubber soles and Biden boards Air Force One at the rear of the plane so he can walk up a smaller flight of stairs.

The Biden team takes these precautions to prevent an embarrassing video of Biden falling down.

In the debate, Kelly said Biden would try to remain coherent and upright while trying to provoke Trump into the type of interruptions that proved to be a turnoff for voters in the first Biden-Trump debate in 2020.

“Just keep poking him because Trump’s goal is to try to maintain some sense of dignity and strength, but not pettiness,” Kelly stated.

“And if Joe Biden just keeps needling him, Trump has some sort of a nasty meltdown that causes interrupting Trump to come back, and the numbers with women start falling, etcetera,” Kelly concluded.

Kelly guest, historian Dr. Victor Davis Hanson, said Biden would want to put fears about his cognitive decline to rest with an aggressive performance.

“I think he’ll come out, he’ll want to show everybody he’s muscular. He’ll have to stand, and he will yell in that kind of mean grimace,” Hanson declared.

Hanson said Trump shouldn’t take the bait as the facts are on his side.

All Trump needs to do is point out to the American people that life was better when he was President because the border was secure, gas was cheaper, and inflation was under control.

“If Trump can just keep calm and just talk about what the Biden record is versus what his record was and what his plan will be, I think he’ll do fine,” Hanson said.

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