Matt Gaetz revealed this sick reason why Joe Biden hates the military

Jun 17, 2024

Joe Biden continues to hit new lows in putting America last during his Presidency.

Now he’s showing his utter contempt for the brave men and women who serve the country. 

And Matt Gaetz revealed this sick reason why Joe Biden hates the military.

Joe Biden refuses to approve military pay increase while giving money to Ukraine

The House Armed Services Committee released a proposal for the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – the annual defense spending bill – that included a nearly $25 billion pay increase over five years for most members of the armed services.

Soldiers, like everyone else, have been hammered by inflation under President Joe Biden.

With the trillions of dollars Biden has wasted on his socialist spending binge, this should have been an easy sell.

But the White House put out a statement saying it “strongly opposes” making a major change to the military’s “basic pay schedule.”

The Biden administration won a victory in April when it secured $61 billion in additional funding for aid to Ukraine on top of the more than $100 billion it has already spent there since 2022.

U.S. Representative Jim Banks (R-IN) – a member of the Armed Services Committee – told the Daily Caller News Foundation that opposing the pay increase was “shameful.”

“When accounting for inflation, the average American makes less today than when Joe Biden took office,” Banks said. “The White House wants to block Republicans from giving our troops the raise they need to make ends meet in the Biden economy.”

“Meanwhile, they’ve sent the Ukrainian government $11,500 per Ukrainian household,” Banks continued. “It’s shameful.”

Military pay increases have garnered bipartisan support on the House Armed Services Committee.

Matt Gaetz says Joe Biden hates the military

The military has failed to hit its recruiting goals during the Biden administration.

A House Armed Service Committee study found that “servicemembers, especially junior enlisted servicemembers and servicemembers supporting large families, struggle to afford housing and feed their families.”

Boosting pay could help with recruiting and retaining soldiers.

The Army, Navy, and Air Force all fell short of their recruiting goals by more than 10%. 

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) – an Armed Services Committee member – said that junior enlisted troops were struggling.

“Joe Biden must hate our military,” Gaetz said. “While families of our junior enlisted struggle on food stamps, this administration opposes their pay raises and wants to force-feed them pronoun training and drag queen story hour. If Biden had any PRIDE at all in our troops, he’d support the long overdue pay raise House Republicans have passed.”

Some junior enlisted troops have told the Armed Service Committee that they’ve resorted to welfare programs like food stamps to make ends meet during the Biden inflation crisis.

Joe Biden can find all the money in the world for Ukraine’s military and to illegally cancel the student loan debt of woke college students, but he won’t support giving the brave men and women of the armed forces a raise.

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