Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris, and you won’t believe what happened next

Sep 6, 2024

Liz Cheney sees this as her last chance to stop Donald Trump.

The former RINO Congresswoman is now fully on board with the Left.

Now Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris, and you won’t believe what happened next.

Liz Cheney repeats the big lie about Donald Trump as a threat to democracy

Liz Cheney made the least surprising endorsement of the 2024 election when she threw her support behind Kamala Harris during an event at Duke University.

Cheney cited the false claims that a vote for Donald Trump was a vote to end American democracy.

“I think it is crucially important for people to recognize, not only is what I just said about the danger that Trump poses something that should prevent people from voting for him, but I don’t believe that we have the luxury of writing in candidates’ names, particularly in swing states,” Cheney declared.

“And as a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris,” Cheney added.

Ever since Cheney became the most prominent mouthpiece promoting the hoax that Donald Trump staged an insurrection on January 6 to overthrow the government, it was only a matter of when Cheney would endorse the Democrat nominee for President.

Cheney figured a post-Labor Day endorsement would carry the most impact since that is when Americans traditionally begin to pay attention to the election.

The Cheney endorsement backfires

Cheney immediately faced credible allegations of being a fraud.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) reposted an August 11, 2020, missive from Liz Cheney where Cheney slammed Kamala Harris as a gun-grabbing, pro-Black Lives Matter riot socialist.

“Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who would raise taxes, take away guns & health insurance, and explode the size and power of the federal gov’t. She wants to recreate America in the image of what’s happening on the streets of Portland & Seattle. We won’t give her the chance,” Cheney wrote.

Lee mocked the idea that Cheney calls herself a conservative by asking if Cheney now thinks Kamala Harris is some kind of Ronald Reagan conservative.

“Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris today Does this mean she now thinks Kamala is a conservative who wants to reduce taxes, protect gun rights, and reduce the size and power of the federal government?” Lee wondered.

The answer was more straightforward.

For the last four years, Liz Cheney set out on an inexorable march to the Left.

Cheney didn’t just turn against Donald Trump.

Cheney became a reliable vote for the Democrat Party.

Cheney voted in favor of every dime in Ukraine spending.

Cheney supported the illegal, warrantless wiretapping Democrats used to spy on Donald Trump and his supporters.

Cheney supported Joe Biden’s gun control bill.

And Cheney voted in favor of legislation that mandates homosexual marriage in all 50 states.

Liz Cheney was already voting like a Democrat when she left office.

And Liz Cheney just made her affiliation with the Left official by endorsing Kamala Harris.

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