Kellyanne Conway revealed what the Biden White House’s biggest fear is for 2024

Jun 24, 2024

Anxiety is growing at the White House about the state of play for the 2024 Election.

Now they’re terrified that one problem could sink Joe Biden’s re-election chances. 

And Kellyanne Conway revealed what the Biden White House’s biggest fear is for 2024.

White House panicking about videos going viral showing Joe Biden’s decline

The White House is in crisis mode because of the string of videos showing President Joe Biden’s alarming mental decline.

Videos from the G7 Summit, a Hollywood fundraiser, a Juneteenth celebration, and a D-Day anniversary celebration showed Biden either visibly confused or freezing up in public.

Polls show that as many as 86% of voters – including a majority of Democrats – think that Biden is too old to serve a second term.

The growing number of videos going viral on social media of the President’s mental decline is a five-alarm fire for the White House.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre began doing damage control by calling them “cheap fakes.” 

She told the press and the public not to believe their eyes with what they saw in the videos.

They were taken out of context or edited to paint the 81-year-old President in an unflattering light.

Kellyanne Conway says that Biden White House is panicking over viral videos

Former Trump White House advisor Kellyanne Conway said that the reaction of the Biden administration to the viral videos of the President’s decline was a tell.

She said that the “lies” about the videos are a sign Biden’s team is “worried” about his mental state during an appearance on The Brian Kilmeade Show on Fox News Radio.

“It’s terrible because they’re showing us that they’re worried and Karine Jean-Pierre is wrong to tell the press corps, of all people, that these are deep fakes,” Conway explained. “The press corps travels with Joe Biden. They go abroad with him. They watch him in action. Literally. That’s two words ‘in action.’ They watch his inaction in action. So that’s the worst group to try to sell these lies to.”

The media immediately began conducting damage control for Biden by parroting Jean-Pierre’s phony claim that the videos were edited or selectively clipped short.

“And she’s got to stop lying from the podium. It’s really odious and onerous, and it’s just wrong . . . She should not be lying to the American people from the podium,” Conway continued. “She can talk about Donald Trump all day long. That seems to be their strategy.”

Conway said that Jean-Pierre could lie about the President’s legislative agenda and accomplishments, but this was a deception that wouldn’t fly with the public.

“But don’t lie to us about what we see with our own two eyes. And everybody in this country knows someone or knows someone who knows someone who’s had an elderly relative. He’s just lost a couple steps.”

Biden has also been hit with a Wall Street Journal report that cited Republican and Democrat sources saying that he had lost a step in Congressional negotiations. 

“Paul Ryan said it last week on Fox News Channel. ‘This is not the Joe Biden I debated in 2012,’ is what he said. He’s totally different. Senators say that. Okay, so that’s fine, but give the man grace and pity, not a second term as President of the United States at a very dangerous time. This guy got us into two new wars,” Conway added.

The White House can’t spin what Americans see with their eyes nearly every time that Biden goes out in public.

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