Kate Middleton is hiding one secret about her health from everyone

Jun 27, 2024

Kate Middleton announcing she developed cancer rocked the British Royal Family.

Everyone wants to know how the treatment is progressing.

But Kate Middleton is hiding one secret about her health from everyone.

Kate Middleton returns to the public eye

Kate Middleton made her first public appearance since announcing her cancer diagnosis at the Trooping the Color ceremony, which commemorates the Royal Monarch’s birthday.

But the Royal Family’s been tightlipped about what type of cancer Middleton’s battling as well as how her treatment is progressing.

A statement from Middleton revealed little other than she has good days and bad days, and she hopes that in a few months her treatment will end.

No one else has made any report about her health status.

That’s by design.

Royal expert Ian Pelham Turner told Fox News that “the reality is nobody really knows how Kate is.” 

“There are many whispers by those who wish to further their careers. But in reality, when the royal family wishes to close the doors on the world, they have had centuries of practice in the art,” Turner added.

With the turmoil in the Royal Family due to Meghan Markle and Harry’s antics, the Royals are especially protective of Middleton due to her importance in projecting a stable monarchy to the public.

“She [is seen as] the number one royal . . . stabilizing the monarchy’s future,” Turner continued.

“In the past few days, Kate has been stated by the global press as the royal family’s jewel in the crown,” Turner concluded.

Middleton has the public’s sympathy

Author of “The King,” Christopher Andersen, said in an interview with Fox News that there’s been no reports on Middleton’s health because there isn’t anything at the moment to actually report.

“These days, Kate is playing a waiting game – following doctor’s orders religiously and praying that future tests will show the chemo has done its job,” Andersen began.

“It’s a stressful, debilitating time for Kate, magnified that much more by the fact that the world is holding its breath along with her,” Andersen added.

British broadcaster and photographer Helena Chard revealed that Middleton greatly appreciates the outpouring of support from the public in her time of crisis.

“Although she will feel an element of uncertainty on occasion, this is far outweighed by the feeling of gratitude,” Chard remarked.

 “Her health is improving, and she has a renewed zest for life . . . She is thankful for the public’s love, which has given her a huge boost. She was so happy to be able to support her family and be back on duty in a united force. Duty and service are very important to her, and she carried out her service with courage, dignity and strength,” Chard exclaimed.

Chard told Fox News that Middleton and King Charles both battling cancer at the same time brought the Royal Family together.

The public display of unity of Trooping the Color was an important image because at this time the Royal Family appears to be in chaos, thanks not only to Harry and Meghan but also due to Prince Andrew’s involvement with Jeffrey Epstein.

“Cancer brings people closer together,” Chard concluded. “The whole royal family looked united and stronger than ever on that Buckingham Palace balcony during Trooping the Colour.”

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