Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer one question about Joe Biden’s cognitive state

Jul 3, 2024

Joe Biden’s cognitive condition is now a political and national security crisis.

But Biden’s handlers are still trying to hide the full truth from the public.

And Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer one question about Joe Biden’s cognitive state.

Jean-Pierre won’t say if Biden will undergo a cognitive exam

The media is acting like it’s news to them that Joe Biden is a mentally diminished invalid.

Reporters pretending to act shocked is part of a plan to push Biden out of the race so Democrats can find a candidate they think has a stronger chance of beating Donald Trump.

NBC News’ Kelly O’Donnell confronted White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during the briefing with a question about why the White House hasn’t come clean about the extent of Biden’s physical and mental impairment.

“Is anyone in the White House hiding information about the President’s health or his ability to do the job day to day?” O’Donnell asked.

“Absolutely not,” Jean-Pierre replied.

O’Donnell then asked about the fact that Biden hasn’t taken a cognitive test or submitted new health records in months.

“Given the fact that it’s more than a bad night when his political future is threatened, would he be willing to provide more medical information? Would he be willing to have Dr. O’Connor provide more to answer these questions?” O’Donnell wondered.

Jean-Pierre tried to signal that she and O’Donnell were friends and on the same team by calling her “Kelly O.”

“Kelly O, I certainly understand the question, I appreciate the question, but what we have provided has been very transparent,” Jean-Pierre replied, noting Biden submitted records in February.

But Biden has never undergone a cognitive exam.

And the question right now about Biden is if he has sufficient mental capacity to do the job.

The media notices Biden’s infirmities

In the five days since the debate, Biden’s only spoken twice in public – both times he read prepared remarks from a teleprompter.

O’Donnell wondered why the White House hasn’t tried to put doubts about Biden’s mental acuity to rest by having him speak in unscripted settings.

“We’ve now gone several days where he has only done teleprompter comments, he’s not taken questions, I know you’ve announced a press conference, I appreciate that, and an interview, we appreciate that but there is a period of time here where the public is trying to understand what happened and the president could help to answer that by engaging with us in an unscripted way right now,” O’Donnell stated.

Jean-Pierre notably didn’t answer the question.

“In those two and half days or so after the debate, he went to four states and engaged with supporters, engaged with American people, everyday people, heard directly from them, and let’s not forget when we landed in North Carolina, I think it was like 2 a.m. in the morning, he engaged with supporters there as well so the president has been out there, he’s been listening to supporters. It’s something that he loves to do,” Jean-Pierre replied.

Biden will sit for an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that will air on Sunday.

But ABC will record the interview on Friday, so whatever the public sees will be edited footage.

Biden isn’t doing live interviews and is holding off on a press conference for one reason and one reason only.

His handlers don’t think he can make it through them.

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