Kamala Harris made one big mistake on the campaign trail she’ll live to regret

Sep 27, 2024

Kamala Harris thinks that she has the election already wrapped up.

But her overconfidence caused her to get ahead of herself.

And Kamala Harris made one big mistake on the campaign trail she’ll live to regret.

Kamala Harris makes first trip to the border in years

Vice President Kamala Harris has been taking flak since she entered the race over illegal immigration.

She was tapped by President Joe Biden to serve as his “Border Czar,” but she fumbled around looking for the root causes of illegal immigration instead of securing the border.

Kamala conveniently became concerned with border security when she started running for President.

Her campaign knows that illegal immigration is a serious political vulnerability for her.

One of her first TV ads of the campaign called her a tough border state prosecutor who wants to hire more Border Patrol agents while featuring shots of the border wall in the background.

Kamala was under fire during the early days of her role as “Border Czar” in 2021 for not visiting the border when the crisis there began to spiral out of control.

She eventually made a photo-op visit to El Paso, Texas, far away from ground zero in the Rio Grande Valley.

Kamala took another photo-op visit to the southern border in Arizona as part of a campaign swing through the state.

The New York Times reported that her campaign planned the trip to try to cut into former President Donald Trump’s advantage on immigration.

But this could end up being a big mistake, according to one pollster.

Kamala Harris’s trip to the border is a bad reminder to voters

Veteran pollster Frank Luntz warned that Kamala traveling to the border would only call attention to the problems with illegal immigration during an appearance on CNN News Central.

“I actually would advise against it, that her time to have gone to the border was last year or the year before that,” Luntz explained. “And now, it only highlights the fact that she hasn’t really focused on this issue, even though she had some, we can’t determine what, the actual responsibility was that she had in the administration because it’s been muddied.”

Luntz said the trip gave Trump an opening to counterattack her on the border crisis.

“But this is an area that Donald Trump can say, just look at the numbers, look at the immigration statistics, look at the illegal immigration that took place under his administration and under the Biden-Harris Administration,” Luntz said.

Kamala wants voters to believe that she suddenly cares about border security but that could prove to be a tough sell.

She wanted to decriminalize illegal border crossings and has expressed support for the movement to abolish Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during her failed 2020 Presidential campaign.

A recent NBC News national poll found that Trump had a 21-point advantage over Kamala on who voters trusted to secure the border.

There’s a clear contrast between the candidates on border security.

Voters can compare the secure border under Donald Trump to the chaos they’ve seen during the last three and a half years under Kamala Harris.

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