Kamala Harris is in bad shape after this October surprise failed in the worst way

Sep 19, 2024

Kamala Harris thought that she had an ace in the hole for the race’s closing stretch.

But she got the worst news of the campaign.

Now Kamala Harris is in bad shape after this October surprise failed in the worst way.

Kamala is banking on the Federal Reserve to provide her campaign a jolt

The economy is the dominant issue in the election.

And the warning signs are flashing on the sluggish Biden-Harris economy.

Job losses have been accelerating and consumers are tapped out from inflation and high interest rates.

Former President Donald Trump holds a significant edge over Kamala on handling the economy in most polling.

But there was a chance for her to get a boost for the homestretch of the election.

The Federal Reserve making its first rate cut since the pandemic offered the possibility of juicing the economy.

And interest rates coming down was something she could try to sell to voters as a sign the economy is moving in the right direction.

Leading economists and financial experts said that the Fed’s rate cut is too little, too late to help Kamala.

Kamala is stuck with the economy that she created

Pollster Scott Rasmussen said that it’s getting late for any changes in the economy to help Kamala before Election Day.

“How are they feeling about their own personal finances? You know, that is a huge issue,” Rasmussen said. “We’re getting late in the game for there to be any shifts, but if there’s a market change in one direction or the other, you know, people feel better about their finances in a month and then they go to cast their ballot, that’s going to be a boost for Vice President Harris.”

Former Trump economic advisor Stephen Moore said that the Fed’s rate cut is too late to be able to make an impact before the election.

“I don’t think it’s gonna make a lot of difference,” Moore told Just the News. “It’s already essentially priced into the market. The impact of the stock market’s already been done so the announcement is just pro forma at this point.”

“It’s too late for a rate cut now to affect the real economy before November,” Moore added.

Rasmussen explained that it’s going to come down to voters going with their guts.

“It’s the trust. Who do you trust? Who in your gut Do you trust on the key issues?” he asked.

He noted that Trump has the edge with voters on the economy.

Republican pollster John McLaughlin stated that voters can see through the rosy picture that Democrats and the media are painting about the economy.

“People are not seeing food prices come down,” McLaughlin explained. “They’re not seeing rents come down. They’re not seeing utility bills go down. If anything, they’re seeing those prices still going up, which is why you see Kamala Harris talking about price controls.”

Kamala Harris won’t be able to count on the Federal Reserve to provide her an October surprise with a jolt to the economy.

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