Joy Behar said four words about a co-host that will make you sick

Jul 1, 2024

The View will never stop finding ways to offend Americans.

The co-hosts don’t care that they constantly step way over the line.

And Joy Behar said four words about a co-host that will make you sick.

The View celebrates homosexual Pride Month

June is when major corporations pretend to be gay for a month so they can virtue signal to their woke employees and the social media mob.

One of the biggest complaints about Pride Month is how corporations go out of their way to showcase this kind of content just so everyone can see how woke they are, and then it goes away again for 11 months.

The co-hosts of The View don’t really have to pretend, as the radical homosexual agenda is a cornerstone of today’s Democrat Party.

Comedians Judy Gold and Sandra Bernhard showed up on set to promote the new Netflix documentary they both star in, Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution.

Netflix describes the movie as a project that will “explore the history of LGBTQ+ stand-up comedy in this funny and heartfelt documentary featuring personal stories from an all-star roster of performers.”

Comedy is comedy.

It doesn’t come with qualifiers or identity.

But 2024 Hollywood is about letting your woke flag fly.

“Seeing all of those people get together was so important, because that’s the story,” Director Page Hurwitz said in an interview with Tudum. “Lily Tomlin influenced Sandra Bernhard, and Sandra influenced Margaret Cho, and Margaret influenced Billy Eichner and Joel Kim Booster. It’s this incredible tapestry and that’s how the history was created. It’s been this sustained march toward liberation alongside the emergence of queer comedy through these generational torch passes.”

The View discussion turns gross

Co-host Sara Haines revealed that she once went to The Cubbyhole, a notorious lesbian bar in New York City that is mentioned in the film.

Joy Behar responded by snarkng that Haines – who has a husband and three kids – is “a closet lipstick lesbian.”

Whoopi Goldberg chimed in calling Haines “gay adjacent.”

That’s because Haines said she “went to Smith College,” an infamous all women’s liberal arts school in Massachusetts, and admitted that she “played on a gay volleyball league.”

“I’m gay adjacent . . . or not adjacent,” Haines responded.

Bernhard – a popular comic from the 1990s – also asked, “Have you ever gotten it on with a lady?”

Behar – who is 81-years-old and married to a man – promised she would make love to a woman at some point in her life.

“No, but someday I will,” Behar responded, saying I’ll  “do it in my 90s.”

The View is a daytime talk show, and it’s the summer, meaning kids are home from school. 

This is not the kind of family-friendly programming that normally airs at 11AM.

But The View airs on ABC, which is owned by Disney.

And as Disney’s fight with Ron DeSantis in Florida over legislation that bans teachers from sexualizing young children shows, this type of content is right up Disney’s alley.

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