Joe Biden did one strange thing about quitting the Presidential race

Jul 25, 2024

The story of Joe Biden exiting the Presidential race keeps growing more bizarre.

Americans don’t have the full truth.

And Joe Biden did one strange thing about quitting the Presidential race.

Joe Biden drops out of the race and disappears from view

Democrats spent every day since the June 27 debate ramping up the pressure to force Joe Biden to end his Presidential campaign.

On the afternoon of July 21, Biden suddenly tapped out and posted a short statement to social media announcing he was ending his bid for re-election.

Biden became the first sitting President since LBJ in 1968 to not seek a second term.

And yet the public didn’t see hide nor hair of Biden.

The last time Americans laid eyes on Biden was 48 hours earlier after Biden tested positive for COVID and gingerly disembarked from Air Force One as he returned to his Delaware hideaway.

On the day after Biden exited the race, Americans still hadn’t seen the President, leading to reports spreading like wildfire on social media that Biden experienced a medical emergency.

24 hours after terminating his re-election bid, Americans heard the disembodied voice of Joe Biden as he spoke to Kamala Harris on speaker phone like he was Charlie from Charlie’s Angels.

Biden speaks

Under these bizarre circumstances, Biden told Harris and the gathered supporters that he made the right call in ending his bid for a second term.

“I know yesterday’s news was surprising and it’s a hard thing to hear, but it was the right thing to do,” Biden began.

 “I think we made the right decision,” Biden added.

This was a strange thing to say, as if this was the right call, why did Biden fight for three weeks to remain the nominee?

In what was likely an unwelcome development for Harris, Biden declared Harris was running as an extension of the unpopular agenda that led to the lousy poll numbers that forced Biden out of the race.

“The name has changed the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn’t changed at all, and by the way, I’m not going anywhere. I’m gonna be out there on the campaign with her, with Kamala.”

I’m going to be working like hell, both as a sitting president getting legislation passed, as well as campaigning. You know, what we still need to save is democracy and Trump is still a danger to the community, he’s a danger to the nation,” Biden continued.

“I’m hoping you’ll give every bit of your heart and soul that you gave to me to Kamala, and I want you to know I won’t be on the ticket, but I’m still going to be fully, fully engaged,” Biden concluded.

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