Jesse Watters was stunned at this awful confession from an Obama fundraiser

Jun 25, 2024

Democrats are starting to walk away from their party during Joe Biden’s failed Presidency.

Now a former member of the Democrat elite is breaking her silence on why she left. 

And Jesse Watters was stunned at this awful confession from an Obama fundraiser. 

One of Barack Obama’s top Silicon Valley fundraisers is supporting Donald Trump

Entrepreneur Allison Huynh was a major fundraiser for the Democrat Party in Silicon Valley.

She and her former husband hosted some of the biggest power players in Big Tech like Google co-founders Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin to raise millions of dollars for former President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign at their California home.

Huynh appeared on Jesse Watters Primetime to explain why she left the Democrat Party after being all in during the Obama Presidency.

“Good evening, Jesse, and I think, like any divorce, there’s not just one thing, there’s a series of things that led up to it, right?” Huynh said.

She pointed to the awful things she saw happening in San Francisco spurring her change in political convictions.

“The Dems were policing the wrong things,” Huynh explained. “The things that we need to police are violent criminals that are scattered throughout the streets of San Francisco, people defecating, shooting up heroin in front of me and my kids, and allowing criminals to go in and steal from our grocery stores, shutting down grocery stores. I love to cook and when I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores to go to.”

Big Tech companies and entrepreneurs have begun to leave San Francisco after the city began its downward slide after decades of Democrat misrule.

Democrats turned San Francisco into a house of horrors

“So it’s a quality of life thing,” Watters said. “It’s gotten absolutely awful, you are saying, but they are denying that. They’re saying there is no crime wave, crime is way down and you are just — you’ve been hoodwinked by propaganda.”

Huynh explained that San Francisco was no longer a place where she and her children could feel safe.

“Well, you have to look at the facts and the reality,” Huynh stated. “When you walk the streets of San Francisco . . . I have three young children and when we go to the theater district to watch, say, The Lion King [or] Les Miserables we have to step over homeless people shooting crack.”

The decline of San Francisco has turned into a national punchline. 

“Anyone can come to San Francisco and they can see the same thing,” Huynh explained. “I love my Peking duck, but I’m afraid to go to Chinatown because of the violent crimes against Asians there. Am I being delusional? I don’t think so.”

Huynh announced that she’s backing former President Donald Trump against President Joe Biden this year and raising money for him.

San Francisco’s descent into a socialist nightmare has woken up some Democrats about the awful direction their party has taken.

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