Jesse Watters uncovered one video that will get Donald Trump’s criminal charges tossed

Sep 6, 2024

This is the smoking gun that could change everything for Donald Trump.

The Democrat Party lawfare against Donald Trump suffered another setback.

And Jesse Watters uncovered one video that will get Donald Trump’s criminal charges tossed.

Fani Willis’ daughter arrested and Nathan Wade arrives on the scene

Police arrested Fani Willis’ daughter, Kinaya, and hauled her off to the Fayette County Jail on charges of driving with a suspended license.

Officers pulled over Kinaya after allegedly spotting her using a cell phone while driving.

“An incident report obtained exclusively by reveals Kinaya – who is pregnant – was pulled over because cops spotted her using a cellphone while driving her 2010 Nissan Altima,” the Daily Mail reported.

Kinaya reportedly told officers she used the cell phone to call her mother for a question relating to her pregnancy.

Willis’ daughter also claimed she had no idea her license was revoked after getting pulled over for driving with a suspended license back in May.

“The Texas Southern University student told an officer from the Tyrone Police Department she was ‘unaware’ her license was revoked on May 13 for the same offense, driving while suspended,” the Daily Mail also reported.

But police arresting Willis’ daughter wasn’t really the newsworthy aspect of this incident.

The real headline takeaway was who showed up with Willis at the scene.

And it was none other than Nathan Wade.

Video reignites controversy over motion to disqualify Willis from the Trump case

Jesse Watters played a video of the stop that showed Willis at the scene with Wade.

“They are no longer coworkers. They are no longer lovers. What was Nathan Wade doing at Fani’s side in her time of need?”

Fani Willis barely survived a motion to disqualify her from the RICO witch hunt against Donald Trump and 18 other co-defendants.

Defense lawyers filed a motion to disqualify Willis on the basis that she financially benefited from hiring her lover Nathan Wade onto the case as special prosecutor.

When Willis took the stand, she claimed that her affair with Wade didn’t begin until after she hired Wade.

Willis also testified that “the physical relationship ended pre-indictment.”

Cell phone records and witness testimony called into question the truthfulness of Willis’ claim she and Wade didn’t begin a sexual relationship until after they began working on the case.

In his opinion allowing Willis to remain on the case, Judge Scott McAfee all-but accused Willis and Wade of perjury, blasting the “mendacity” he thought hung over their testimony.

The Georgia Court of Appeals set October 4 as the date of oral arguments in Trump’s appeal of Judge McAfee’s ruling.

And this video now stands as potential evidence that may undercut what Willis and Wade told the court under oath.

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