Donald Trump was thrown for a loop when a Democrat judge made this surprising decision

Sep 10, 2024

The lawfare against Donald Trump has taken many twists and turns this year.

Democrats thought it was going to deliver them victory in November.

And Donald Trump was thrown for a loop when a Democrat judge made this surprising decision.

Democrat judge makes surprising sentencing decision in Trump case

Former President Donald Trump was convicted on 34 felonies that Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg pulled out of thin air in May.

Democrat Judge Juan Merchan – a donor to President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign – set the sentencing date for July 11, but that date was pushed back to September 18 because of the Supreme Court’s Presidential immunity ruling.

Trump’s sentencing in Manhattan was likely the last obstacle from Democrat lawfare before Election Day.

Merchan had proven himself to be a partisan hack who worked with Bragg to engineer a conviction of Trump during the trial.

It wouldn’t have been a surprise if he tried to throw the former President in jail or put him on house arrest until after the election.

But the judge postponed Trump’s sentencing until November 26, if necessary, after Election Day on November 5.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley speculated that Merchan postponed the sentencing to avoid boosting Trump’s presidential campaign during an appearance on Fox News.

Democrat judge still made a politically motivated decision

“Any sentencing that Merchan would have come down with, I think, would have not been particularly welcome by most of the public. It would have reminded them of this campaign against the former president,” Turley said. “So in some ways I think the Harris campaign is probably celebrating that they won’t have that attention on the Manhattan case.”

Merchan constantly ruled in Bragg’s favor during the trial against Trump.

But he claimed in his ruling postponing the former President’s sentencing that he didn’t want his decision affecting the outcome of the election.

“I was not one of those that was piling on Merchan, but I have to say, after sitting in his courtroom, I was very surprised in what I thought was a one-sided approach to that trial . . . There was, in my view, a lack of balance there. We have not heard this type of language from Merchan,” Turley explained. “He refused to do things during the trial that could have accommodated the environment in which the trial was occurring, including a gag order that I think was excessive.”

The lawfare by Democrat prosecutors backfired after Trump’s support grew in the polls from the shamelessly political motivation for these cases.

“And the irony, of course, was that the former president’s polls went up when he was gagged, partially, I think, because people saw the unfairness, partially because he sort of stayed on script,” Turley continued.

The law professor thought this may have contributed to Merchan’s decision to postpone the sentencing.

“That may have weighed in all of this,” Turley stated. “Merchan actually witnessed how his conduct at the trial, the trial itself, worked in Trump’s favor. That would have been nothing in comparison to what would have happened if he sentenced Trump to home confinement or to jail. I think Merchan was aware of that.”

Democrats had high hopes that lawfare would bring down Donald Trump, but their witch hunts backfired on them.

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