Donald Trump just revealed his VP pick in this sneaky way

Jun 25, 2024

Donald Trump is getting down to the final stages of his Vice-Presidential selection process.

Trump’s selection of a running mate will help shape the final trajectory of the General Election.

And Donald Trump just revealed his VP pick in this sneaky way.

A favorite emerges

Donald Trump’s choice for a new Vice President seemed to have boiled down to three final choices.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum.

Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH).

And Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Others reportedly in contention were Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL), Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson.

Trump said he wouldn’t reveal his actual running mate selection until the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, which begins on July 15.

But Trump and his campaign may have tipped their hand.

And it’s because of the modern practice of needing to register websites, so the opposition can’t use a domain that would come up first in Google searches to redirect undecided voters towards negative information about a candidate.

Someone registered the domain also redirects to the Trump donation page, which sends the strong hint that the campaign was the one behind this domain.

Someone also registered domains with Trump’s name alongside the other Vice-Presidential contenders.

But none redirect to Trump’s official campaign donation page.

Why Doug Burgum

After the Mike Pence debacle, Trump wants a Vice President who he feels personally comfortable with and who will remain loyal to him.

Trump and Burgum reportedly hit it off after Burgum dropped out of the Presidential race.

Burgum is a wealthy self-made success who hit it big selling his software company for more than a billion dollars.

In his brief campaign, Burgum showed a depth of knowledge on the energy industry, which is a key policy area Trump intends to focus on should he win re-election.

The North Dakota Governor is also a bland politician who won’t bring drama to the ticket.

This makes Burgum acceptable to not just the donor class but also suburban swing voters who value a return to normal.

And what also makes Burgum appealing to Trump is that Trump reportedly wants a running mate who won’t automatically clear the field in the 2028 Republican Presidential Primary and will thus focus any decision they make not on how it helps Trump achieve his goals, but how it will best position them for the next election.

While Trump naming him as his running mate will surely make Doug Burgum a 2028 contender, no one believes the rest of the GOP will stand down to coronate him as the next nominee.

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