Donald Trump just asked this Republican if they would be his Vice President

May 15, 2024

Just like when he was the host of the hit TV show The Apprentice, Donald Trump is running auditions for who will fill out the ticket to serve as his running mate.

One name suddenly rose to the top of the list.

And Donald Trump just asked this Republican if they would be his Vice President.

Reports surface that Nikki Haley is under consideration for Vice President

Axios reported that former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was all of a sudden under serious consideration to serve as Trump’s running mate.

This news stunned Trump supporters since Nikki Haley campaigned for President as an unapologetic RINO who wants to take the GOP back to the days of Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney running the Party.

Axios claimed that Trump would put differences aside if it meant victory because that would end all of the criminal cases against him.

“The GOP rivals’ relationship remains chilly. But the sources said Trump could pick Haley if he were convinced she’d help him win the Presidency, avoid a potential prison sentence and cover tens of millions in legal bills if he loses,” Axios reported.

Haley’s access to donors also supposedly made her an attractive Vice-Presidential candidate.

“Trump is scrambling to make up a fundraising disadvantage against President Biden and pay legal fees. Haley, meanwhile, has deep ties to donors who are wary of the former president,” Axios reported.

Some believe putting Haley on the ticket would win back college-educated voters in the suburbs.

“A reconciliation with Haley, his former UN ambassador, also could help Trump attract some of the college-educated Republicans who have kept voting for her in primaries even after she dropped out,” the Axios report continued.

Bad blood between Haley and Trump lingers

This report was stunning considering what Trump and Haley said about one another during the campaign.

At a rally in New Hampshire, Trump said Haley “is not Presidential timber,” before adding that “when I say that, that probably means that she’s not going to be chosen as the Vice President.”

Haley also claimed Trump wasn’t qualified to be President.

“He showed that with that kind of disrespect for the military, he’s not qualified to be the President of the United States, because I don’t trust him to protect them,” Haley ranted.

Beyond the obvious policy differences, Haley supports an endless war in Ukraine funded by taxpayers, whereas Trump said he would end the war upon taking office. 

Not only that, but Haley still hasn’t endorsed Trump for President and reportedly has no plans to do so anytime soon.

But just as quickly as the story surfaced, Donald Trump put it to rest.

“Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot, but I wish her well!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Supporters breathed a sigh of relief.

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