Donald Trump got warned by this top ally that five kill squads are hunting him

Sep 23, 2024

Donald Trump has faced two assassination attempts and made it out alive.

But Trump’s not out of the woods.

And now Donald Trump got warned by this top ally that five kill squads are hunting him.

Matt Gaetz says five assassination squads are coming for Donald Trump

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Real America’s Voice’s Jack Posobiec that a whistleblower within the Department of Homeland Security informed him that there are five death squads operating inside the United States whose mission it is to assassinate Donald Trump.

Gaetz revealed that three of the kill teams are working on behalf of foreign governments.

“I had a senior official from the Department of Homeland Security in my office before the second assassination attempt saying what he has assessed is that there are five known assassination teams in the United States, three inspired by other governments, two that are here that are known domestic assassination teams,” Gaetz stated.

It’s unclear if Gaetz included the two known assassination attempts in that number.

But Iran may be one of the countries gunning for Trump as revenge for Trump crushing the countries economies with his maximum pressure campaign to get them to drop their nuclear weapons program.

Iranian hackers already infiltrated the email accounts of Trump campaign staffers.

These hackers stole confidential documents and handed them to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

After the first Trump assassination attempt in July, a human source passed along intelligence to authorities that Iran planned to assassinate Trump.

And in August, law enforcement arrested a Pakistani national with ties to Iran who was in America on a murder-for-hire scheme that targeted Donald Trump.

Trump’s protection

Gaetz explained to Posobiec that the very real threats on Trump raised massive questions about why Trump didn’t enjoy the full Secret Service protection as a sitting President.

“The coordination at that level, the dignitary protection level is like the bare minimum that we have to do to keep our Presidents, our Presidential candidates safe while they’re out there on the trail,” Gaetz added.

Gaetz also said the Biden-Harris administration needed to explain why it pulled agents from Trump’s detail and assigned them to Jill Biden as what happened on the day of the first assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

“So that raises real questions about why certain teams were being pulled off of the Trump detail and being put on for example the Jill Biden detail,” Gaetz concluded.

Campaigning for President shouldn’t be a life or death proposition.

It is the case for Donald Trump because of the unhinged hatred the media and Democrat Party whipped up domestically and because America’s foreign adversaries fear a Trump return to the White House.

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