Donald Trump can end Kamala Harris’ campaign with this ten-word question

Aug 6, 2024

An unprecedented level of media propaganda is propelling a Kamala Harris surge in the polls.

But Harris still carries a fatal flaw as a candidate.

And Donald Trump can end Kamala Harris’ campaign with this ten-word question.

Harris’ record is her weakness

The media and Democrats don’t want a campaign focused on issues.

They want this election to be about “vibes” and electing the first black woman President.

There is a reason for that.

Even establishment RINOs like longtime pollster Frank Luntz know Harris’ campaign – which the media is trying to portray as a bigger juggernaut than Barack Obama’s 2008 victorious effort – hold a soft underbelly.

And that’s Harris’ record.

In an interview with FOX 11 Los Angeles’ Elex Michaelson, Luntz explained that voters didn’t like it when candidates attacked each other personally.

But they had no problem when they went after each other’s record.

“People don’t like it when politicians attack each other. Accountability? Yes,” Luntz stated. “Attacks? No.”

Luntz then told Michaelson Trump could ask Harris a ten-word question that would destroy her candidacy.

“Can you name one thing she did as vice president? And leave it at that,” Luntz declared.

Luntz said no one can name anything Harris accomplished in office, and the one job she was given – Biden named her border czar back in 2021 – proved to be an abject failure.

Luntz said if Trump can limit his attack on Harris to those ten words without getting personal, he can devastate her campaign.

“Can you name one thing she accomplished as vice president? Ten words. He’s incapable, and all these people are gonna watch this, all these Trump voters are gonna say, ‘You’re so mean, and you’re so partisan and you don’t like him so you’re criticizing him.’ Just once, can he answer a question in ten words? Or answer with ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ Just once, can he answer anything without delivering an attack?” Luntz asked.

“And it’s legitimate criticism. She was number two in this country, she was given the responsibility for immigration,” Luntz added.

Trump’s campaign hones in on the border

The Trump campaign’s first TV ad running in every swing state hammered Harris for her failed tenure as Joe Biden’s border czar.

Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance also contrasted Kamala Harris’s record of supporting open borders with Donald Trump delivering a secure border.

“The contrast between an America led by Kamala Harris and an America led by President Trump, it couldn’t be more clear . . . President Trump’s vision was closed borders and open factories. Kamala Harris’ vision is the exact opposite — open borders and closed factories,” Vance declared at a rally in Atlanta.

This is the frame Donald Trump and his campaign want for the election.

In less than 90 days, Americans will make their choice.

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