Bill Maher predicted that this awful failure would be Joe Biden’s undoing

Jul 2, 2024

Joe Biden is on the path to a decisive defeat in November.

Biden’s been one of the worst Presidents in American history.

And Bill Maher predicted that this awful failure would be Joe Biden’s undoing.

Immigration powers conservatives to wins around the world

Conservative parties scored decisive wins in Italy, France, and the Netherlands as the backlash to open borders and mass migration continues to grow.

On his Club Random podcast, comedian Bill Maher told fashion-famed model Fabio that unchecked immigration brought down the Roman Empire and it’s bringing down liberal governments across the world.

“The forces that collapsed the Roman Empire are very similar to what’s happening today because migration around the world is always such a key factor,” Maher began.

Maher detailed how the Huns migrating into Roman-controlled territory eventually created the pressure points that cracked the Roman Empire.

“I mean, the Roman Empire collapses because the Huns who were from north of Beijing, they were from north of China, and they fought with the Hun dynasty and then they migrated westward and then they put pressure on tribes that they were pushing out in eastern Europe . . . and then they moved into the Roman Empire, so it’s like when people are moving it just puts pressure on other people and everything changes,” Maher added.

Maher warned that Joe Biden opening the border to 10,000,000 illegal aliens was the straw that broke the camel’s back politically speaking.

“I just feel like this is going to be Biden’s undoing,” Maher stated.

The dangers of open borders

Fabio told Maher that because of America’s status as the world’s lone superpower, the country’s enemies couldn’t challenge the United States directly.

Instead, hostile actors could infiltrate the country through the southern border and use that as a staging ground for terrorist attacks.

“And being in America, you know you have a lot of enemies so you really want to take care of your border because, you know, ISIS and —” Fabio began.

“They caught eight ISIS guys last week!” Maher interjected, warning that the government caught eight suspects – out of 400 – who came to the United States through an ISIS-linked human trafficking network.

Fabio – who was born in Italy – received his American citizenship in 2016 – said immigration was like inviting someone into your home.

You invite someone you know and trust in through the front door as opposed to them committing a crime by breaking in so they could enter.

“If somebody wants to come in your house, they should be coming from the front door, right? Not from breaking the rear window because when somebody breaks your window, it’s because they don’t have good intentions,” Fabio concluded.

For three months in a row, Gallup’s polling found Americans listing immigration as the number one problem facing the country.

Not coincidentally, polls show Donald Trump leading Joe Biden nationally and in every swing state.

And if Joe Biden loses the election, Bill Maher knows the culprit.

The decision by Joe Biden on day one to open the border to an unchecked flow of illegal aliens.

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