An MSNBC guest says Kamala Harris needs to jail this top Trump supporter

Sep 11, 2024

Kamala Harris weaponized the government to go after Donald Trump.

But the target list doesn’t end with Trump.

And now an MSNBC guest says Kamala Harris needs to jail this top Trump supporter.

Author demands Kamala Harris arrest and prosecute Elon Musk

Author of The New York Times bestseller, Zucked, Waking Up To The Facebook Catastrophe, Roger McNamee appeared on Ali Velshi’s MSNBC show and launched into a tirade about how Kamala Harris could lock up X owner Elon Musk.

Since Musk bought Twitter – now known as X – liberals fumed over Musk eliminating the censorship protocols the previous regime put in place.

Twitter censoring the New York Post’s story about the emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop proved pivotal in the 2020 election and handed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the White House.

Musk pledging to make X a bastion of free speech infuriated Democrats who realized they lost control of the ability to control the information flow to voters.

After Musk took over X, liberal activists and the media launched a smear campaign to destroy X by scaring away advertisers by falsely claiming Musk turned the platform into a haven for so-called “hate speech” and “misinformation.”

The advertiser boycott failed to destroy X.

And now after Musk endorsed Donald Trump and regularly shares videos, news articles and interesting facts about Kamala Harris’ real record to his 196 million followers, the Left is moving on to phase two of their plan to bring down Musk.

Velshi attacked Musk for supposedly sharing “misinformation” about the election as his jumping off point to tee up McNamee’s diatribe about throwing Musk in the slammer.

“Let me ask you about something we posted on NBC about a month ago, written by David Ingram here. The headline says, Elon Musk’s misleading election claims accrue 1.2 billion views on X. False or misleading claims about the U.S. election that Elon Musk has posted to X have generated nearly 1.2 billion views, according to an analysis published Thursday by the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate,” Velshi stated.

A disturbing demand

McNamee then showed the growing authoritarian streak on the Left, where a growing number of Democrats believe it’s a criminal offense to oppose them.

“So the critical element in thinking about Elon Musk is like any American, he has a right to his own opinion and he has a right to express his opinion,” McNamee began.

But McNamee explained that Musk forfeited his First Amendment rights by virtue of the fact that his Starlink company did contract work for the government.

“However, that right is not unlimited and he is under some special limitations that wouldn’t apply to normal people because his companies, specifically SpaceX and Starlink and SpaceX, are government contractors and as such he has obligations to the government that would for any normal person and should for him require him to moderate his speech in the interest of national security,” McNamee added.

McNamee told Velshi that an enterprising Democrat prosecutor could make the case that Musk’s opposition to Kamala Harris was now illegal since he was on the payroll.

“So what you have is somebody who runs really strategic defense and aerospace projects for the federal government who’s actively undermining the government which is paying him. And somewhere in there is a legal case that needs to be prosecuted,” McNamee concluded.

Democrat prosecutors who think like McNamee are a growing danger to America’s Constitutional order.

Jack Smith, Fani Willis, and Alvin Bragg all invented novel legal theories to create contrived crimes to indict Donald Trump.

Now Democrat prosecutors are facing pressure to weaponize creative interpretations of the law against Elon Musk since he supports both free speech and Donald Trump.

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