Alvin Bragg was fuming after he got this bad news about his connection to Joe Biden

Jun 18, 2024

Alvin Bragg’s sham criminal case against Donald Trump was motivated by politics.

Now he could pay a price for pushing the envelope to get a conviction before the election. 

And Alvin Bragg was fuming after he got this bad news about his connection to Joe Biden. 

Alvin Bragg’s bogus case was about hurting Donald Trump’s campaign

Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s sham case against former President Donald Trump was about dealing the maximum amount of political damage, not justice.

Bragg waited to indict Trump after he was running for President with a case that was so preposterous that no one else would touch it.

The way the case was prosecuted confirmed the intentions of the Manhattan District Attorney.

Stormy Daniels was called as a witness even though she had no relevant testimony to any fictitious crime that Bragg alleged.

She changed her story to paint her alleged encounter with Trump as some sort of sexual assault after she previously denied that.

That testimony was designed to generate bad headlines in the press to hurt Trump’s re-election campaign. 

Bragg was playing to the court of public opinion just as much as he was to the jury in the courtroom.

Trump’s conviction in the case gave Democrats the ability to call him a “convicted felon,” which they think is going to change the trajectory of the race. 

Now one of Trump’s allies is going on the offensive against Bragg after his witch hunt. 

Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden hit with federal campaign finance complaint

America First Legal – a conservative watchdog group founded by former Trump officials – filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) accusing Bragg of coordinating with President Joe Biden to influence the 2024 Election.

Bragg and Biden’s campaign are accused of violating the Federal Election Campaign Act.

The complaint alleges that Bragg’s prosecution of Trump amounts to “coordinated expenditure” under federal campaign law to the Biden campaign that exceeds the $3,300 campaign contribution limit.

Biden’s campaign was hit with a complaint for an unreported campaign contribution.

“Bragg made, and Biden for President knowingly accepted, a contribution in excess of $3,300 per election individual contribution limit,” America First Legal’s FEC complaint states.

The group also notes that Bragg hired the number three ranking member of the Biden Justice Department, Matthew Colangelo, in December 2022.

Colangelo had donated to Bragg’s 2021 Election campaign.

This complaint comes after the Biden Justice Department claimed that it did a thorough search of emails and records that uncovered no evidence of coordination with Bragg’s office.

“With the lawfare before the FEC against candidate and former President Donald Trump, it is important that the FEC take a hard look at the relationship between President Biden, his administration, and his political committees and the New York County DA’s Office’s political prosecution of the former President during a campaign year,” America First Legal Vice President Dan Epstein said in a statement. 

Bragg is also facing an investigation by the House Judiciary Committee led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH).

The blowback is beginning for the Manhattan District Attorney after his political persecution of Donald Trump.

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