Alvin Bragg got caught in this compromising picture that will make you sick

Jun 20, 2024

Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has some explaining to do.

Bragg meddled in the 2024 election with his sham persecution of Donald Trump.

And Alvin Bragg got caught in this compromising picture that will make you sick.

Alvin Bragg attended fundraiser for group that tried to kick Trump off the ballot

Donald Trump and his supporters argue the greatest threat to American democracy is the lawfare waged on Joe Biden’s behalf by partisan prosecutors and their allied legal groups.

Alvin Bragg managed to check both of those boxes in one fell swoop.

Bragg attended a fundraiser for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF), a group that helped out in the un-American lawsuit to ban Donald Trump from the ballot using the fringe legal theory that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment disqualified him on the grounds Trump incited an insurrection on January 6.

The Supreme Court unanimously rejected the attempt to ban Trump from the ballot.

LDF President Janai Nelson lashed out at the decision.

Nelson called the ruling a “disturbing and dangerous pattern of judicial overreach” and that it put “our multi-racial, multi-ethnic democracy” at risk.

At the event, Bragg took a picture with anti-Trump filmmaker Spike Lee who said that Trump “will go down in history with the likes of Hitler.” 

“In May 2023, Bragg attended the main fundraiser for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF), which has been on the front lines of legal efforts to keep Americans from being able to hear from, and vote for, Trump. He was pictured alongside film director Spike Lee,” the Daily Wire reports.

The LDF’s connections to Bragg

One of George Soros’ sons sits on the board of the LDF.

So does the wife of Matthew Colangelo, the Biden prosecutor who left the Justice Department to join Bragg’s persecution of Trump.

“Jonathan Soros, the son of George Soros, who has spent heavily on district attorney races including Bragg’s, is on the board of the group, as is the wife of Matthew Colangelo, who left a top role in Joe Biden’s Department of Justice to work for Bragg on the Trump case. Colangelo’s wife, Anne Small, is listed as a top sponsor at the event, donating at least $25,000,” the Daily Wire reports.

The LDF supports prosecutors like Bragg who weaponized the justice system to attack Donald Trump for political reasons.

Yet the LDF also released a statement on the four-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death, lionizing a criminal who shoved the barrel of a gun into the stomach of a woman who was eight months pregnant.

“We extend our heartfelt condolences to George Floyd’s family and stand with them in their unrelenting fight alongside countless advocates to achieve lasting, impactful change in our public safety system. Four years have passed since the harrowing murder of Mr. Floyd set off worldwide protests calling for justice, accountability, and racial equity. The movement borne out of George Floyd’s murder demonstrated the importance and power of protest to inspire social progress and change,” the LDF’s statement read.

Bragg and his defenders in the media continue to falsely claim the prosecution of Trump was a legitimate exercise of the judicial system.

But the actions of Bragg show otherwise.

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