Fani Willis was terrified of one key witness spilling the beans to Jim Jordan

Oct 17, 2024

The bad news for Fani Willis continues to pile up with no end in sight.

Her witch hunt against Donald Trump is on thin ice.

And Fani Willis was terrified of one key witness spilling the beans to Jim Jordan.

Fani Willis tries to keep her lover from testifying to Jim Jordan-led committee

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ sham criminal case against former President Donald Trump and his allies for contesting the results of the 2020 Election in Georgia is in shambles.

She hired her lover Nathan Wade to serve as a special prosecutor on the Trump case despite not being qualified for the job.

Wade was paid more than $600,000 by Fulton County taxpayers, which he used to take Willis on luxury vacations, according to bank records.

Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee ruled in a challenge to have Willis disqualified that either she or Wade had to leave the Trump case.

Wade resigned and has tried to keep a low profile ever since.

The Georgia Court of Appeals is hearing a challenge to have Willis disqualified from the Trump case because of a conflict of interest in hiring Wade after the election.

If Willis gets disqualified from the case, it’s unlikely that another prosecutor would pick it up at all.

Her shoddy work and conflict of interest mean Trump will likely never head to trial.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) subpoenaed Wade to testify in his investigation into the witch hunt that Willis is running.

Willis sent a letter to the committee warning that the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office placed limitations on what Wade was allowed to testify about.

“I am concerned that your demand for Mr. Wade’s testimony would force him to improperly divulge confidential information that is protected by privileges held by the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office and demands that Mr. Wade violates State Bar of Georgia rules that govern conduct of attorneys,” Willis wrote Jordan.

She warned Jordan that her lover wouldn’t be able to answer any questions about the Trump case or his role in it.

Nathan Wade enters the hot seats

Willis made it clear she didn’t want Wade to testify before the committee or divulge information.

The House Judiciary Committee hauled Wade in for a closed-door meeting.

He claimed that the Trump case was “not politically motivated” and that he did nothing to compromise the case.

Jordan’s committee grilled him for more than four hours.

Former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes (D-GA) served as a member of Wade’s legal team.

“This is all I’m going to say – we gave our testimony, we cooperated, and we are through,” Barnes told reporters after the hearing.

A reporter asked Barnes if Wade would take the Fifth Amendment.

“What crime has been committed here?” Barnes fired back. “We gave our testimony, cooperated, and we’re through.”

Wade tried to dodge the subpoena for the hearing and Jordan had to get the U.S. Marshals Service involved to finally chase him down.

“The Judiciary Committee has served over 100 subpoenas this Congress. We have done so, for the most part, without controversy or the need to use the US Marshals,” Judiciary Spokesman Russell Dye said.

The bad news keeps coming for Fani Willis as her case against Donald Trump crumbles to pieces.

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