A Fox News star just attacked J.D. Vance in the worst way imaginable

Oct 4, 2024

J.D. Vance turned in a commanding performance at the Vice-Presidential debate.

But not everyone on the Right walked away happy.

And a Fox News star just attacked J.D. Vance in the worst way imaginable.

RINO Karl Rove defends Tim Walz

Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz is catching a reputation as a liar.

Walz lied about serving in combat.

Walz lied about the circumstances surrounding his DUI.

And on the debate stage Walz couldn’t account for the fact that he lied about being in Hong Kong for the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

Fox News host Dana Perino took note of the fact that even the pro-Democrat media began to take shots at Walz for being a serial fabulist, citing a Wall Street Journal article headlined “An Imprecise Biography Catches Up With Tim Walz.”

“What do you make of all that, Karl? He said he’s a knucklehead, but I don’t know,” Perino asked RINO contributor Karl Rove.

Rove defended Walz, claiming he merely misspoke about being in Hong Kong in 1989.

“Look, he misspoke. He should have been rather pointed and said, ‘I misspoke. I was not there during that time. I got my dates mixed up. I apologize,’ and then moved on,” Rove responded.

But Walz has been telling this lie for years.

That’s not a case of misspeaking.

“All the word salad leading into it, great! You grew up in a town of 400 and you rode your bike until the streetlights came on. What the heck does that have to do with the fact that you screwed up when you came to the issue of, ‘Were you at Tiananmen Square or in China at the time of Tiananmen Square or not?’ Look, Americans would be a forgiving people just say what he said at the end, ‘I misspoke’ and go on,” Rove concluded.

Rove attacks J.D. Vance as a liar

Hemmer pointed out this wasn’t a one off and told Rove that Walz lied about his deployment overseas and the rank he retired from the Minnesota National Guard with.

“But there’s other incidents, too,” Hemmer noted. “I mean, you want to pick at it, I mean, the accuracy is lacking, I guess is how we could say it. Just finish-, comment on that.”

That’s when Rove tried to “both sides” the story by attacking J.D. Vance as dishonest because he repeated claims made by his constituents about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio.

“Yeah, look, that is a problem. But both sides have a problem with this,” Rove shot back. “Remember, he was standing on the stage with the guy [Vance] who said, ‘They’re eating pets, they’re eating dogs and cats in Springfield,’ and has yet to produce one single pet owner who says, ‘The Haitians ate my dog or cat.’”

Rove is among the Republicans who hate J.D. Vance and want the Trump movement expunged from the GOP.

Rove is from the Liz Cheney–Mitt Romney wing of the Republican Party that thinks the number one priority for the GOP should be funding the war in Ukraine and granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

This was the RINO establishment Donald Trump toppled in 2016.

Rove and his ilk never forgot and think this election is their chance to rid the GOP of Trump and his supporters forever.

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