Donald Trump got one piece of advice that could turn 2024 upside down

Sep 23, 2024

The 2024 Election is still anyone’s game.

Candidates are searching for that crucial edge.

And Donald Trump got one piece of advice that could turn 2024 upside down.

The Presidential election is tight as a tick

The surge in the polls that Vice President Kamala Harris had after she entered the Presidential race has leveled out.

She didn’t get the typical bounce in polling out of the Democratic National Convention or a bump after the media declared her the winner of the debate.

Kamala leads in the RealClearPolitics polling average of all seven swing states by 0.1% over former President Donald Trump.

The race is a coin flip as the campaign moves into the homestretch.

Fox News host Sean Hannity had Republican pollsters Matt Towery and Robert Cahaly on his show to discuss the state of the Presidential race.

Hannity noted that early voting has kicked off in the swing states of North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

“According to Trafalgar, that’s Robert Cahaly, Trump is ahead by two points in the state of Georgia. A brand new Insider Advantage poll from Pennsylvania showing Trump with a two-point lead,” Hannity said.

Trump needs to press his advantage with seniors

Hannity asked the pollsters for their breakdown of the race.

“Let’s get your take Matt Towery, start with you,” Hannity said. “Where are we in this race and what is the messaging needed as early voting starts?”

“Well, right now, these races could not be any tighter,” Towery explained. “In all of these battleground states, they’re all within the margin of error. It’s very, very tight races.”

Towery noticed a weak spot for Trump in his polling that the former President needed to shore up.

“The one thing I’ve noticed in looking at the demographics is that Donald Trump was winning among senior voters,” Towery said. “I’ll be one in December, so I’m watching 65 and over, senior voters, he was leading fairly substantially against Joe Biden.”

He said that Kamala had been making substantial gains with seniors.

“So the messaging has to be, if you’re going to eliminate taxation on Social Security, make sure your ads tell these people they’re about to go all vote,” Towery stated.

Trump proposed eliminating income tax on Social Security payments to help seniors struggling with Kamalaflation.

The Republican pollster said that the Trump campaign needed to hone in on seniors and younger voters during the closing stretch of the race.

“You focus on young voters and senior voters,” Towery said. “It’s letting seniors know that you’re going to eliminate the tax on Social Security, that you’re going to protect them from any inflation, eating their money up.”

“That’s big, that give them a lot of points for Trump with the seniors and then when the young people, reminding her – the people that she said that anybody who’s between the age of and 20s something were stupid, which I think that that’s a tremendous ad and I think the Trump campaign’s using that,” Towery added.

Kamala called 18-24-year-olds “stupid” in a 2014 speech as California Attorney General.

Trump building support with seniors could get him over the finish line in an election that comes down to the wire.

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