Horror struck Fani Willis when she got accused of breaking this law

Sep 18, 2024

The witch hunt against Donald Trump keeps unraveling.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is in the hotseat.

And horror struck Fani Willis when she got accused of breaking this law.

Fani Willis acts like she is above the law

Fani Willis faces a hearing to disqualify her from the Trump witch hunt in December.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg for her legal woes.

Willis defied a subpoena from the Senate Special Committee on Investigations, which is probing her conflict of interest over receiving financial benefits from hiring lover Nathan Wade as special prosecutor on the Trump case, as well as misuse of federal funds.

State Senator Bill Cowsert chaired the commission and Cowsert told Fox News that Willis continues to act like the laws don’t apply to her.

“We think it’s unlikely that she will appear but disappointing that she considers herself above the law,” Cowsert stated.

Cowsert explained that he chairs a lawful body and that their subpoena will hold up in court.

“We do have the authority to investigate and to issue subpoenas to compel testimony and the production of documents, and if tested in court, that will be validated,” Cowsert added.

“She’ll be required to attend, and she’ll be required to produce certain requested documents. It may require a court order for her to obey them, but that’s where we’re headed,” Cowsert continued.

Cowsert told Fox that we are “all extremely confident that we’re acting within the constitutional and legislative authority of the State Senate.”

A defiant Willis pledged not to comply as Democrats don’t think Republicans have the guts or the will to enforce the law.

“I have not broken the law in any way,” Willis declared during a May press conference. “I’m sorry folks get p***ed off that everyone gets treated equally.”

Whistleblower allegations

Willis faces allegations from Amanda Timpson, who claimed Willis fired her after she came forward with information about aide Michael Cuffee allegedly using federal grant money for personal use.

“In this meeting, this was the first time on what he (Michael Cuffee) wanted to spend the grant on. He said he wanted to spend it on computers, travel and swag,” Timpson testified.

Timpson said she faced backlash for bringing these allegations forward.

“As I persisted that it is not what we could do, that’s when I realized my treatment changed,” Timpson added.

Timpson explained that when she brought the allegations to Willis, Willis threatened her career.

“She (Willis) said something like, ‘What’s going on?’ And when I went to speak, she cut me off and she said, ‘Effective immediately you’re going to be removed and demoted,’” Timpson stated.

Fani Willis’ conduct created scandal after scandal.

Now a lawful legislative body seeks to conduct legitimate oversight.

And Willis – who self-righteously claimed Donald Trump acts like he’s above the law – is now the one who acts like the law doesn’t apply.

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