Jesse Watters uncovered the massive fraud Kamala Harris is about to unleash

Sep 6, 2024

Kamala Harris and her fellow liberals think Donald Trump represents an existential threat to democracy.

Democrats will fight dirty to win this election.

And Jesse Watters uncovered the massive fraud Kamala Harris is about to unleash.

The new Russia collusion hoax

The Kamala Harris Justice Department deployed the latest version of the Russia collusion hoax as the General Election hit the stretch run.

A weaponized Justice Department indicted a former Trump 2016 campaign aide no one had ever heard of named Dimitri Simes for allegedly violating sanctions due to his work with Russian Broadcast Channel One Russia, which is banned from operating in the United States.

The Justice Department also indicted two employees of RT on charges of acting as an unregistered agent of the Russian government and money laundering for paying a media company run by a Canadian activist that works with popular pro-Trump influencers like Tim Pool and Benny Johnson.

These two indictments dropped the same week the Kamala Harris administration made a big to-do about countering supposed Russian meddling in the 2024 election.

It looked like a coordinated policy rollout by the Kamala Harris administration.

Fox News host Jesse Watters smells a rat

Jesse Watters noted to guest, journalist Michael Shellenberger, that this was the third election in a row where the Deep State interfered on behalf of the Democrats using a hoax about Russia.

“So now we have the United States government interfering and three elections in a row, 16, 20 and 24, on behalf of Democrat candidates, weak Democrat candidates, Hillary, Biden and Harris. What does it say about the Harris campaign that they need to do this right now?” Watters asked.

In 2016, it was the nonsense about the Trump campaign colluding with Russia.

In 2020, the FBI pressured Facebook and Twitter to censor the New York Post’s reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop based on lies about it being Russian disinformation.

Now the Kamala Harris administration wants to discredit and shut down pro-Trump media.

Shellenberger agreed.

But Shellenberger predicted this gambit would fail to sway voters.

“Yeah, I mean look, I think it’s – this is the best they’ve got. I think that says something, that they are having to do this. Like you said, it’s all of the discredited characters with all of the discredited messages from the past. So it’s not going to – I mean it’s clearly not going to have much impact at all,” Shellenberger began.

Shellenberger explained to viewers that the Kamala Harris administration created a new Russia hoax to influence the election by tricking voters into thinking conservative media outlets were under the control of Vladimir Putin and ignore issues like immigration and the border.

“You know, I think there is some reason for concern which is that it feels like it’s another effort to program people, if we use the crude word, brainwashed people and get them to stop thinking about these issues. So we should always be concerned when we see situations where there may be the weaponization of the government going on in order to, in this case, because it’s always projection, influence the elections. The timing alone is curious,” Shellenberger concluded.

But the new Russia collusion hoax did pay one immediate dividend.

YouTube shut down Tenet Media’s channel, which will censor some conservative content online.

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