Catholics are outraged after this radical cardinal gave a meaningless blessing at the DNC

Aug 26, 2024

Republicans gathered at their convention, which featured a number of riveting speakers who expressed their desires to make America a better place.

But Democrats used their convention to rant about how much they hate Donald Trump and the millions of Americans who support him.

And Christians were stunned after this “woke” cardinal did the unthinkable at the DNC.

Catholics are outraged after this radical cardinal gave a meaningless blessing at the DNC

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) featured a slew of big-name speakers, including Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr and former President Barack Obama.

Despite making “joy” the theme of the DNC, most of the speakers so far have delivered scathing and hostile speeches, blasting former President Donald Trump and his many supporters.

However, before these Democrats took the stage to trash the majority of the country that does not agree with them, Cardinal Blase Cupich delivered an invocation.

Cupich, who serves as the Archbishop of Chicago, failed to mention Jesus Christ once during his invocation, instead referring to the “God of all creation.”

More specifically, he stated in his invocation, “May our nation become more fully a builder of peace in our wounded world with the courage to imagine and pursue a loving future together.”

“And may we as individual Americans become more fully the instruments of God’s peace,” the “woke’ cardinal added.

While Cupich delivered this invocation, Planned Parenthood operated a trailer outside of the venue to provide free abortions and vasectomies to anyone who wanted them.

In addition to the free abortion trailer, crowds of angry anti-Israeli protestors lined the streets burning American flags as Democrats screeched inside.

The debauchery at the DNC has elicited widespread outrage amongst Catholics, who view Cupich’s remarks as antithetical to their beliefs.

American Life League President Judie Brown released a statement, excoriating the DNC for these troubling practices.

“Planned Parenthood has long been the driving force behind the culture of death,” Brown said in her statement.

“The Democratic party has been at the forefront of fueling the Planned Parenthood engine,” Brown added. “Now that PP has chosen to provide free child killing at the DNC, the combination, or should we say bloody wedding, is complete.”

Depravity, violence, and anger are on full display at the DNC despite the Democrat Party’s best attempts to remain positive

Democrats have tried desperately to make joy the theme of the DNC; however, anger, violence, hatred of America, and death have become the focal points of this event.

This contrasts with the RNC, which had a resolutely patriotic and hopeful message.

The speakers at the DNC have failed to deliver any messages of hope, which could impact their poll numbers as Election Day creeps closer.

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