Jesse Watters cornered a Kamala Harris ally on this embarrassing fact

Aug 23, 2024

America is still getting to know Kamala Harris.

Democrats hope the image of Kamala that voters take away hides her radical past.

And Jesse Watters cornered a Kamala Harris ally on this embarrassing fact.

Kamala Harris still has no policies to run on

Kamala Harris’ website still doesn’t feature an issues page that tells the American people what she stands for and what policies she would pursue if elected.

The Democrat Convention featured speaker after speaker attacking Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

But very few spoke about the economy, the border crisis, or Kamala Harris’ plans to address these problems.

Jesse Watters confronted Nebraska Democratic Party Chairwoman Jane Kleeb about the light on policy details at the convention.

“Are you embarrassed when you see all these Democrats not have a clue about who or what Kamala wants to be?” Watters wondered.

Kleeb claimed Trump supporters were the ones who were in the dark about what their candidate stood for.

“No, I think a couple of things. One, we see these types of camera shots at the Trump rallies too,” Kleeb answered.

“I also feel bad for the Trump voters when they’re asked policies on economics or immigration and on the spot and they get nervous and they can’t get the words up,” Kleeb added.

Watters was dumbfounded by this response and asked Kleeb if she really thought Trump hid his plans on immigration from the voters.

“If you’re saying that if you asked the Trump rally goer what Trump’s plan on the border was, he couldn’t answer?” Watters asked.

Kleeb then claimed a plan to deport 12 million illegal aliens didn’t count as a real plan and then attacked Trump for opposing an amnesty bill when he was President.

“They will definitely say to close it and round up 12 million people. We all know that. We also know that that’s not a real immigration policy,” Kleeb shot back. “We know that Republicans and Democrats came together with an immigration bipartisan plan. Trump wouldn’t pass it because he said it’s not good politics.”

“This is when he was president. There was a bipartisan plan. Democrats and Republicans came together and Trump said, we’re not doing that. It’s bad politics,” Kleeb added.

Democrats don’t want policy front and center 

Kamala Harris created a political fiasco for herself by proposing a communist scheme to put the government in control of grocery stores.

Even the Washington Post and CNN mocked Kamala’s price controls as something pulled from a communist country.

The fewer policy details that get discussed in this election, the better it is for Democrats, as they won’t give Donald Trump a target to punch at.

It’s one thing for Democrats to hide the ball on Kamala’s policy proposals.

But trying to claim that Donald Trump doesn’t have an agenda is next level gaslighting.

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