One embarrassing video of Kamala Harris just confirmed every Democrat’s worst fear

Aug 6, 2024

Democrats were riding a wave of polling and fundraising enthusiasm once Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race.

But Democrats knew there were problems beneath the surface with Kamala Harris.

And one embarrassing video of Kamala Harris just confirmed every Democrat’s worst fear.

Kamala Harris speaks off script for the first time

Ever since Democrat Party bosses and donors anointed Kamala Harris as their candidate, her handlers kept Harris ensconced in a protective bubble.

Much like Joe Biden, Harris only delivered prepared remarks where she could read off a teleprompter.

Since becoming the presumptive nominee for President, Harris hasn’t taken one question from reporters either in an interview or press conference.

This allowed Harris handlers to stage manage her candidacy and create the false aura of Harris being a generational political talent with the combined oratory skills of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.

Harris finally spoke off script for the first time as she and Joe Biden greeted prisoners returning home from Russia as part of a prisoner swap.

And Harris showed she was the same word salad spewing bumbler who dropped out of the 2020 race in disgrace and whose poll numbers showed she was the least popular Vice President in history.

Speaking to reporters while standing next to a dazed and confused Joe Biden, Harris unleashed a trademark string of gibberish.

“This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy,” Harris stated.

Warning signs

Earlier in the day, the RNC Research account noticed that Harris hid in her SUV for 30 minutes to practice a prepared set of remarks she planned to deliver to reporters before boarding a plane.

“Kamala — after spending 30+ minutes in her vehicle preparing — opens her binder to read prepared remarks in front of the press. She hasn’t taken a single question since she forced Biden off the ballot,” the RNC account wrote.

Harris then read remarks prepared for her out of a binder before scurrying away.

Democrats will try to go the remainder of the campaign without putting Harris in an unscripted setting.

Liberals know the second Harris has to speak off the cuff, the public will see through the fraudulent image Harris’ handlers and the media concocted.

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