A federal prosecutor revealed this awful truth about Alvin Bragg that he wanted hidden

Jun 28, 2024

Alvin Bragg delivered on his mission of convicting Donald Trump before the election.

Now he wants to continue to move the needle against the former President. 

And a federal prosecutor revealed this awful truth about Alvin Bragg that he wanted hidden. 

Democrat Judge is trying to silence Donald Trump with unconstitutional gag order

Democrat Judge Juan Merchan slapped former President Donald Trump with an unconstitutional gag order during the trial for his criminal case in Manhattan.

Trump was prevented from commenting on the witnesses, prosecutors, court members, or their families.

This was a politically-motivated decision to keep the former President from being able to defend himself in public.

Stormy Daniels was allowed to lie and attack Trump in public but he wasn’t allowed to respond.

Bragg’s criminal case against him was politically-motivated from the start when he indicted Trump last year after he announced that he was running for President.

Trump couldn’t defend himself in the court of public opinion against a case that was designed to kneecap his Presidential campaign.

The conclusion of the case should have been the end of the gag order.

Witnesses had been dismissed and the trial was over.

But Merchan kept the gag order in place until Trump’s July 11 sentencing hearing – days before the start of the Republican National Convention when he will officially receive the Republican Presidential nomination.

Bragg’s office pushed for the gag order to remain in place.

Trump’s criminal conviction was going to be a major issue for the election. 

President Joe Biden launched a $50 million TV ad blitz to remind voters that Trump is a “convicted felon.”

But the former President was muzzled by the gag order from being able to respond to an important topic of interest to voters.

Former federal prosecutor calls out Democrat judge for his politically motivated decision

Merchan agreed to partially lift the gag order days before the first Presidential debate on CNN.

But this was a ruse.

Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy said that Merchan partially lifting the gag order was a “political” decision during an appearance on Fox News.

“I also think that what they’re doing here is defining incitement down and defining other crimes down,” McCarthy said. “In other words, if Trump commits incitement, you know, if he actually says something that would directly cause imminent harm, you can charge him with that. If he obstructs justice, if he intimidates jurors or the like, you can charge him with that. They don’t have that kind of evidence so what they’re trying to do is have the sweeping order that treats him as if he’s already been convicted of these things that they don’t have evidence to bring against him.”

Merchan can use Trump’s adherence to the gag order as a consideration in the sentencing hearing.

 “And the purpose of it is obviously political . . . the trial is over, there’s no need for this other than to impinge on what he can say in debates and on the public stage,” McCarthy continued. “And frankly, the judge is going to sentence him on July 11th. How much more leverage does Merchan need over Trump than being able to sentence him in a few weeks?”

Trump can comment on witnesses now like Stormy Daniels, but he’s still muzzled from talking about prosecutors like Bragg and former high-ranking Biden Justice Department official turned Manhattan District Attorney’s Office prosecutor Matthew Colangelo.

Judge Merchan and Alvin Bragg are trying to give Joe Biden one last favor with the sham case. 

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