One new poll left Donald Trump in a state of shock

Jun 28, 2024

The 2024 election experienced another narrative reset.

No one saw this coming.

And one new poll left Donald Trump in a state of shock.

New York Times poll shows race shifting to Donald Trump

Democrats put Donald Trump on criminal trial, figuring that a guilty verdict would turn the race into a slam dunk for Joe Biden because there is no way the American people would ever vote for a convicted felon.

Alvin Bragg’s sham conviction in a political show trial put that theory of the case to the test.

And Democrats are in straight panic mode over the results.

A New York Times/Siena survey taken after the verdict found the race shifting in Donald Trump’s favor.

The poll showed Trump leading Biden by six among registered voters – a five-point improvement for Trump – and a four with likely voters – a three point shift in Trump’s favor – since the Times’ last poll.

This election is the first time in 130 years that voters face two Presidents running against each other.

That gives a straight up or down vote on which one’s tenure they prefer.

The Times poll – like every other survey this election – shows Americans think life was better under Trump.

By a 51 to 37 percent margin The Times/Siena survey found voters saying that no matter what issue they thought was the most important, they trust Donald Trump to handle it.

Biden’s age continues to drag him down

Americans don’t think Biden is up to the job.

It has everything to do with Biden’s age and the evidence – captured on video for all to see – of Biden’s cognitive decline is there for all to see.

“Roughly 70 percent of voters view Mr. Biden as too old to be effective, including a majority of Biden voters. Those figures are virtually unchanged since April,” The Times wrote of their poll results.

As the polling data consistently showed this cycle, even Biden’s own supporters want him out of the race.

“Last summer, 44 percent of Mr. Biden’s own supporters said they did not want him as their party’s nominee. That number has ticked up to 48 percent three months into the general election,” the Times also reported of the poll’s findings.

But short of something completely unforeseen, Democrats are stuck with Joe Biden as the nominee.

And the guilty verdict – that Democrats thought would be their ace in the hole – proved to be a major dud.

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