Byron Donalds just broke some brutal news to Alvin Bragg

Jun 28, 2024

Alvin Bragg’s conviction of Donald Trump isn’t the slam dunk Democrats thought it was.

Democrats found out just how rickety of a foundation the verdict was built on.

And Byron Donalds just broke some brutal news to Alvin Bragg.

Byron Donalds predicts sham Manhattan conviction overturned on appeal

Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) is on the shortlist to be Donald Trump’s running mate.

Donalds showed why Trump is considering him when Donalds went on CNN and shredded the farce guilty verdict against Trump in Manhattan.

The Florida conservative told host Laurie Coates that Trump would talk about what Coates called his “grievances” and “legal troubles” on the campaign trail because Democrats weaponized the government to shred the Constitution.

“I’ve been on the trail with the [former] President. I’ve listened to his words, whether it was Detroit, whether it was the south Bronx, whether it was Philadelphia. I’ve seen him make this case to the American people time and time again,” Donalds began.

Donalds also pointed out that legal scholars Left, Right and Center saw the Manhattan case as an abuse of prosecutorial power and that the courts would eventually toss the conviction out.

“Of course, he talks about what happens in lower Manhattan because, at the end of the day, his constitutional rights were violated in that courtroom in Manhattan,” Donalds argued. “And every legal commentator, virtually every legal scholar, all agree that that case is going to be overturned at the appellate level because he didn’t even what he was defending himself against.”

Donalds referenced the fact that Bragg violated Trump’s Sixth Amendment right to a proper legal defense by not including in the indictment what crime he accused Trump of attempting to conceal to bump up the falsification of business records charge from a misdemeanor to a felony.

The Supreme Court’s favorable ruling

Donalds cited the recent Supreme Court ruling in Erlinger v. United States, which held that a conviction required a unanimous jury verdict on all charges, as a harbinger of the Supreme Court stepping in and eventually righting the wrong that Bragg inflicted upon Trump.

“The Supreme Court just came out the other day and said that if you’re going to try to convict somebody that the jury has to be consistent about actual crime that did not occur in lower Manhattan,” Donalds added.

Donalds also told Coates that Trump’s number one priority was defeating Joe Biden and ending Biden’s ability to inflict pain on the American people through his socialist agenda.

“But at the end of the day, Donald Trump, of course, he talks about it, but the overwhelming message is about what his administration, when he comes back as 47th president, is going to mean for the American people. And I guarantee you this. It will be significantly better for all Americans than the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration,” Donalds concluded.

The criminal case backfired

A guilty verdict was supposed to be the end of Donald Trump.

Instead, it led to a surge in the polls.

The New York Times and Quinnipiac released surveys showing Trump leading Biden by four and five points respectively.

Trump now leads Biden by his largest margin in the RealClearPolitics polling averages in three months.

And the courts eventually tossing this conviction will be the final death blow to the Democrat Party’s lawfare.

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