Donald Trump encouraged one national trend that has Democrats in a panic

Jun 19, 2024

Donald Trump is a political figure unlike any other in the history of the country. 

Now he’s rewriting the rules of politics once again.

And Donald Trump encouraged one national trend that had Democrats in a panic.

Donald Trump proposes not taxing tipped workers

Former President Donald Trump traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada, for his first major rally after his bogus criminal conviction in a Soviet-style show trial in Manhattan.

There he endorsed the most innovative policy proposal this election cycle.

“Hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips,” Trump said at the rally. “We’re going to do that right away first thing in office because it’s been a point of contention for years and years and years, and you do a great job of service.”

Roughly a quarter of private sector workers in Nevada are employed in the hospitality industry, which heavily relies on tips.

Tips are treated like income but they’re intended to be a gift from a customer to a worker.

Democrats were caught completely off guard by the proposal.

The union representing Nevada casino workers was befuddled and refused to come out in favor of a Trump proposal.

Pictures went viral on social media of people writing “No tax on tips, vote Trump” on restaurant receipts.

Donald Trump encourages his supporters to start to write on receipts

Trump encouraged his supporters to write on restaurant receipts that he wouldn’t tax tips during a celebration for his birthday in West Palm Beach, Florida.

He said he would abolish the tax on tips for “restaurant workers, hospitality workers, and anyone else that gets tips.”   

“No tax on tips, okay? It’s done. Done. And we need to spread the word so that every time you leave a tip for the next five months, you put on the receipt, vote for Trump, because there’s no tax on tips,” Trump said.

He brought up the idea again at the Turning Point USA conference in Michigan where he mentioned he discussed it with Kid Rock.

“I have announced that I will eliminate taxes on gifts for restaurant workers and hospitality workers,” Trump said. “And anyone else who relies on tips, no more taxes on tips! None!”

First proposed by former U.S. Representative and Presidential candidate Ron Paul, “No tax on tips” failed to gain traction at the time.

Now countless Americans are spreading Trump’s call for the proposal via receipts. 

Kid Rock – who owns a honky-tonk in Nashville – said Trump was a “genius” for eliminating the tax on tips.

“As a bar owner, and having spoke to a few other bar / restaurant owners, this is HUGE! Most small buisness’s have all had challenges in staffing. This will solve so many problems for so many hard working Americans! Trump is a genius and for the working class! Biden is straight Hollywood!” Kid Rock wrote on Truth Social.

U.S. Senator Ted Cuz (R-TX) recently announced that he was going to introduce a bill to end the tax on tips.

And in the House, U.S. Representatives Thomas Massie, Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced the bill.

Trump’s landmark 2017 tax cut package is expiring next year.

And the elimination of the tax on tips could be included in the next version if Republicans retake power in Washington, D.C.

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