Hillary Clinton insulted the military with this sick attack on D-Day

Jun 11, 2024

Hillary Clinton showed why every American should be thankful she was never President.

Clinton found a new low to stoop to.

And Hillary Clinton insulted the military with this sick attack on D-Day.

Clinton disrespects the memory of the heroes of D-Day

D-Day is the greatest success in the history of the American military.

The bravery of the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy to begin the liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany is unmatched.

This year marked the 80th anniversary of when those band of brothers stared down certain death to overcome an evil the likes of which the world had never seen.

Naturally, Hillary Clinton had to make it about Donald Trump.

In a post on X, Clinton wrote that defeating Donald Trump was on par with the war against Adolph Hitler and then compared the men who risked it all for the cause of freedom to liberals casting a ballot.

“Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote,” Clinton posted.

This type of self-righteous, tone-deaf commentary that pits Americans against one another is why Clinton was never elected President.

Conservatives slam Clinton

Clinton’s disgusting attempt to turn D-Day into a liberal political rallying cry was met with immediate backlash.

“Just pure evil. Comparing the sacrifices of those who died to defeat Hitler and retake Europe to Democrats voting against Donald Trump. Sick and disgusting,” RedState’s Bonchie wrote on X.

Talk show host Dana Loesch said Clinton represented the type of authoritarianism the heroes of D-Day risked – and in cases gave – their lives to eradicate.

“In 2016 you attempted to undo everything they fought for by partnering with Fusion GPS to launder discredited oppo in the press, and merchandise it into surveillance warrants on enemies through FISA,” Loesch posted on X.

“Were my WWII vet grandparents alive today they’d slam this,” Loesch added.

Ruthless podcast host Comfortably Smug joined in slamming Clinton.

“What kind of shameless, broken, lizard person do you have to be to tweet out some nonsense like this?” Smug wrote.

“‘Yes I know what it was like for those soldiers on Omaha beach ducking machine gun fire, I went to vote. I am braver than the troops,'” Smug added.

“She has never recovered from Trump’s win,” Smug concluded.

Sean Parnell, a combat veteran whose heroic service in Afghanistan was documented in the book “Outlaw Platoon,” was disgusted by Clinton cheapening the memory of D-Day through partisan theatrics.

“Holy s*** I despise these people,” Parnell stated. “It’s impossible to capture just how loathsome a comment this is. To cheapen what WWII heroes did to BS garbage politics makes me sick. Again, WWII veterans deserve so much better than this.”

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