Hunter Biden just declared war on Fox News with this bombshell lawsuit

Jun 3, 2024

The Left weaponized defamation law to go after conservatives.

Now Hunter Biden is getting into the act.

And Hunter Biden just declared war on Fox News with this bombshell lawsuit.

Hunter Biden sues Fox News

Hunter Biden became the latest liberal figure to file a defamation suit intended to silence their critics.

This time the target was Fox News.

Hunter Biden accused Fox News of defaming him by airing stories about allegations from an FBI informant that the founder of Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden a $10 million bribe.

The Biden Department of Justice later arrested the informant for allegedly making false statements to the FBI.

Hunter Biden also claimed a streaming docuseries, The Trial of Hunter Biden, where Fox gamed out what Biden standing trial for various corruption charges would look like, sullied his reputation.

E. Jean Carroll, Dominion Voting Systems, and election workers in Atlanta all succeeded in filing defamation suits against Donald Trump, Fox News, and Rudy Giuliani by getting defamation suits in front of liberal courts in liberal jurisdictions.

Hunter Biden’s bizarre interview 

In an interview with the Daily Beast, Hunter Biden defended the lawsuit.

Hunter Biden claimed going after Fox News was necessary, arguing the network dehumanized him by covering the drug addiction that Hunter Biden himself publicized in his own memoir.

“I’m not saying my addiction is an excuse for my bad behavior. What I’m saying is that my addiction is not an excuse for them to dehumanize me—and in doing so dehumanize everybody from the addict that you pass it on the street, to the one that you live with,” Biden told the Daily Beast.

Biden claimed Fox News only aired stories about his addiction to hurt Joe Biden politically.

“That is the principal motivating factor,” Hunter Biden told the Daily Beast

“Addict, addict, addict, addict, you know. Crack addict, he’s a crack addict, smoking crack, addict,” Hunter Biden said in performing his impersonation of Fox News hosts.

This was an odd take by Hunter Biden.

That’s because in his own memoir he described himself as a “crack addict,” a “crack daddy,” and a “crackhead.”

“Whatever you say, the one thing that nobody ever accused my dad of was getting rich off of being a United States Senator,” Biden claimed, even though Joe Biden’s net worth increased substantially upon leaving office.

“And so what’s the one thing that you need to do? You need to completely dehumanize me. And the easiest way to do that is to show me to be this degenerate crack addict,” Biden concluded.

Fox News fires back

A statement from Fox News declared the network engaged in “constitutionally protected coverage” of “a public figure who has been the subject of investigations by both the Department of Justice and Congress, has been indicted by two different US Attorney’s Offices in California and Delaware, and has admitted to multiple incidents of wrongdoing.”

“Consistent with the First Amendment, Fox News has accurately covered these highly publicized events as well as the subsequent indictment of an FBI informant who was the source of certain claims made about Mr. Biden,” the statement added.

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