Paul Ryan went on Fox News to make this terrible attack on Donald Trump

Jun 13, 2024

Never Trump RINOs won’t accept the reality of the Republican Party.

They are still working to sabotage Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden.

And Paul Ryan went on Fox News to make this terrible attack on Donald Trump.

Paul Ryan on the warpath

Fox News board member Paul Ryan appeared on anti-Trump Fox News host Neil Cavuto’s show to unleash an unhinged tirade about Donald Trump and the 2016 election.

Cavuto teed up Ryan by mentioning that the former Speaker called Trump an “authoritarian narcissist” and remarked that it was “strong” language.

Ryan spewed a rant about how Trump supposedly doesn’t have the “character” to be President.

“That’s the way I feel,” Ryan stated. “I voted for him in 2016, hoping that there was gonna be a different kind of person in office. And I do think character is a really important issue. If you put yourself above the Constitution as he has done that shows you’re unfit for office.”

Cavuto asked Ryan if January 6 was what turned him against Trump.

“That’s a part of it,” Ryan replied, adding that he believed Trump was “unfit for office.”

Conservatives were furious that Ryan would use Fox News as a platform to undermine the Republican nominee for President.

CNN’s Manu Raju reported Congressman Troy Nehls (R-TX) had some choice words for Ryan.

“Paul Ryan you’re a piece of garbage. You’re a piece of garbage and we should kick you out of the party,” Nehls reportedly said.

“Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying that you’re a conservative. You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party. I mean grow up a little bit,” Nehls added.

Why Paul Ryan hates Donald Trump

Paul Ryan is among the class of gentry establishment Republicans that came of age in the era of George Bush, Mitt Romney, and John McCain running the GOP.

In those days, elected Republicans like Ryan would pay lip service to the concerns of GOP voters while going to Washington, D.C., to do the bidding of the donor class.

Ryan stood out as the avatar for the future of this wing of the GOP with his support for amnesty and allowing Barack Obama to flood the country with unvetted Syrian refugees.

But it was leaders like Ryan – who never lifted a finger as Speaker of the House to oppose Obama – who refused to fight Democrats and secretly agreed with the Left on issues like immigration that opened the door for Donald Trump to seize control of the Republican Party in 2016.

As Speaker of the House, Ryan put off funding for Trump’s border wall until after the 2018 election.

Ryan then essentially surrendered the Midterm to Democrats by announcing he was retiring just ahead of the vote, which sent a signal to GOP voters that there was no point in turning out as leadership believed the cause was lost.

RINOs like Ryan hoped that would be the end of Trump’s MAGA immigration agenda.

But Trump then declared a national emergency to use military construction funds to build over 400 miles of border wall.

This enraged the Paul Ryans of the world.

Paul Ryan just wants Donald Trump to go away so the GOP can return to the Republican Party of 2005.

But as polls continue to show Trump leading Joe Biden, Ryan and his ilk grow shriller in their attacks.

And that’s because no matter what they say, Ryan and his Never-Trump compatriots support Joe Biden and believe Biden winning in November is what’s best for the country.

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