Joe Biden made one attack on Donald Trump that instantly blew up in his face

Jun 19, 2024

Joe Biden’s getting more desperate by the day.

A criminal conviction against Donald Trump failed to swing the polls in Biden’s favor.

And Joe Biden made one attack on Donald Trump that instantly blew up in his face.

Biden proves lawfare was all a political ploy

Joe Biden and his campaign aren’t even pretending the various civil lawsuits and criminal indictments are anything more than politically motivated election interference.

Biden’s campaign announced a $50 million TV ad buy in the swing states highlighting Trump‘s status as a convicted felon.

The ad is narrated by former Roseanne star John Goodman.

In the ad, the Biden campaign attacks Trump over all the trials Democrats rigged against him in New York.

“In the courtroom, we see Donald Trump for who he is,” the ad begins.

“He’s been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, and he committed financial fraud!” the ad continues.

“Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s been working, lowering health care costs and making big corporations pay their fair share,” the ad claims.

The Biden campaign then tried to reframe the election as a character contest.

“This election is between a convicted criminal who’s only out for himself, and a President who’s fighting for your family,” the ad concludes.

Joe Biden’s hypocrisy

Joe Biden’s decision to claim he’s a man of high character who fights for family flies in the face of his actual record.

Biden spent years denying the existence of his seventh grandchild, Navy Joan Roberts.

Navy Joan Roberts was born out of wedlock after an affair between Hunter Biden and stripper Lunden Roberts.

Joe and Jill Biden refuse to act like she exists.

Katie Rogers of The New York Times wrote that “in strategy meetings in recent years, aides have been told that the Bidens have six, not seven, grandchildren.”

Jill Biden also dedicated her book to her “six grandchildren” and ignored Navy Joan Roberts.

Biden only begrudgingly admitted to the existence of Nave Joan Roberts after liberal columnist Maureen Dowd shamed Biden in a piece published last year.

“Empathy, born of family tragedies, has been his stock in trade. Callously scarring Navy’s life, just as it gets started, undercuts that,” Dowd wrote of Biden refusing to acknowledge that Navy Joan Roberts exists.

“The president’s cold shoulder — and heart — is counter to every message he has sent for decades, and it’s out of sync with the America he wants to continue to lead,” Dowd added.

But even when Biden made it known he would now say he has seven grandchildren, it was all just for show and the cruelty persisted.

Joe Biden has yet to speak to Navy Joan Roberts, despite Biden making a big deal about how grandchildren are so important to him that he will interrupt any meeting – no matter how important – to take a call from one of them.

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