Donald Trump is ready to go to war against Democrats in this crucial 2024 fight

Jun 19, 2024

Donald Trump is in a heated race against Joe Biden for the White House. 

But he needs to make sure that Republicans control Congress, or his agenda will be blocked.

Now Donald Trump is ready to go to war against Democrats in this crucial 2024 fight.

Donald Trump wants to defeat two red state Democrats

Former President Donald Trump traveled to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., for a closed-door meeting with Senate Republicans about strategy for the election.

Senate Democrats are clinging to a narrow 51-49 majority going into the election.

But Democrats are playing defense this cycle with several vulnerable seats in red states up this year.

A source “in the room” told Fox News that U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) asked Trump to address how important it was for the GOP to regain control of the Senate. 

The former President singled out U.S. Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH).

“They opposed everything I did while I was President, and now they are talking like Republicans,” Trump reportedly said.

Tester and Brown are the most vulnerable Senate Democrats up for re-election this year.

And they’re trying to hold out in red states that Trump carried in the 2016 and 2020 Elections and is expected to easily win again this year.

That’s why they’ve been trying to distance themselves from President Joe Biden and their voting records in the Senate.

Red state Democrat Senators hoping to fool Trump voters

Trump is going to cruise to victory in Montana and Ohio this November.

Tester and Brown are going to need voters to split their ticket to have any chance of winning.

That means trying to pull a fast one on Trump voters.

Tester’s campaign put out a memo that said he’s bucked Biden on the border and pandemic mandates.

His Republican challenger, former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy previously said that Tester tries to reinvent himself in election years.

“You know this is what he does. Five years out of every six he’s a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, firm progressive. Votes lockstep with [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer, Biden, and every other progressive in the country,” Sheehy said in November. “And then, for his election year, he tries to shift back to the center and act like he’s a moderate.”

Brown is trying to pull the same bait and switch on voters.

His campaign is highlighting his work with Trump during the President’s first term.

“Sherrod will work with anyone when it’s right for Ohio and worked with President Trump to renegotiate NAFTA and pass legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs and make sure law enforcement officers have the resources they need to keep themselves safe and keep fentanyl out of Ohio communities,” a Brown spokesman told Fox News Digital in a statement.

His GOP challenger Bernie Moreno has been attacking Brown for his election year rebrand.

“Sherrod Brown parades around Ohio telling voters that he is a moderate, while he votes with Joe Biden 99% of the time and consistently sells out Ohio workers,” Moreno campaign communications director Reagan McCarthy told Fox News Digital. “We look forward to exposing his left-wing record and sending him packing in November.”

Moreno and Sheehy were both endorsed by Trump.

They have a chance to demote Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to Minority Leader this November if they can win their races.

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